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Swiss Vote on Gold & Anti-Immigration Today

Today will be the Swiss vote on the issue of holding and buying gold. The Swiss National Bank opposes the Yes Gold Vote but there is also an immigration referendum. The Swiss are being asked to vote on a proposal to make the central bank hold a fifth of its reserves in gold within five years. […]

Ferguson – What Did You Expect? A Real Jury Decision? The System is Not Designed That Way

Unfortunately, this is as expected as the Missouri grand jury decided not to indict a white police officer over the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager in August. I have explained that this need not even be racist because the grand jury system has become a joke. The government only needs to present whatever […]

The Future Explained – What is Unfolding & the Connections in the Global Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I must say, you are the father of market analysis and I can see how the uninitiated are lost in their concept of fundamentals still see you are the person who manipulates the world economy. When they are totally lost in the cavities within their mind they cannot see beyond the linear […]

The Future – Desolation or Disneyland?

QUESTION: Marty; I am a converted Goldbug. You have not only saved me from financial ruin, I have made more money shifting to equities in one year than all my losses in metals since 2011. I believe I understand now that it is a shift back and forth between this public and private confidence. This […]

ISIS – This is About Money & Power – Not Religion

Questions keep pouring in about ISIS and their brutal violence, extortion and hypocrisy for this is not really about religion – it is business. The leader of ISIS, who appeared in a Ramadan prayer video calling on Muslims to obey him, has prompted confusion and become the subject of mockery as he showed off a $6,500 […]

Why the Mainstream Press Will not Quote our Forecasts

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it exceptionally curious how the mainstream media never quote you yet you have correctly called every turn in the markets from gold, dollar, equities, oil, no less the shifts in geopolitical events. You even said the war cycle will start to turn back up in November. It seems that especially […]

Comment from Switzerland on Gold Referendum

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong Greetings from Switzerland and many thanks for your free education. Must admit that I became addicted to your blog. I must congratulate you on your short observations on Switzerland. You simply nailed it. The politicians are destroying the country in front of our eyes. As far as for the referendum at […]

Metals Perpetually Suppressed?

QUESTION: … Will the day come that you will admit that the precious metals are currently suppressed in a massive way to the downside, especially the relatively small market of silver? Kind regards, HB ANSWER: Sorry – that day will never arrive. It is pure BS used to sell the metals. Look at it this way. […]

The Movie Debut – Amsterdam November 22nd at Largest Film Festival

  This movie that everyone has known is coming makes its debut at the largest Documentary Film Festival in the world – IDFA in Amsterdam on November 22nd, 2014. This is the first debut for the Documentary arena. There will be a Theatrical Debut next year as this film appears around the world. I agreed […]

Republican Sweeping Victory Taking Senate – A Prelude to 2016?

Republicans rode a growing wave of voter discontent during the midterm election winning the control of the Senate literally punishing the Democrats for even electing what is glowingly becoming apparent that Obama is a repeat of Bush Jr, just worse. This will now clip the wings of the Democrats and the social agenda of Obama […]