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Market Talk – July 13, 2015

Only an hour into this morning’s trading and the news broke of the possible Greek Deal. Bunds were hit hard (down over 170 tics) and BTP’s (Italian Govt. Bonds) rallied 2 full points, pushing all peripheral spreads tighter. Greek 2yr Govt. Bond traded down 600bp to 23.75%. Equities loved the news and have been in […]

Talks with Greece Collapse

The EU is simply self-destructive. There was no way to merge all these economies together without debt consolidation from the outset. The euro will collapse and break apart. Brussels is just brain-dead for they cannot force austerity upon the rest of Europe with the upcoming economic decline. Talks at an EU Summit with Greece collapsed. […]

Greece – Selling Out to the Establishment

Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, has sold his country out to the failed ideas of the euro. There is no possible way for this deal to work for it will bring only more austerity to Greece that will continue to grind its economy to a halt. Raising taxes will not create jobs and it […]

Market Talk

The renewed compromised has, in the eyes of the market, already been accepted and everything is back to normal and all is forgotten! Well, that is certainly how the markets have reacted today after the new austerity news broke. Of course this too will fail as the economy turns down and these politicians, who always view […]

Real Estate – the Peak is Here

I reported that we sold my mother’s house in one week. I too follow our model. The bounce in real estate into 2015.75 seems to be unfolding on time. What will make the peak is a rise in taxes. You have Chicago looking to raise taxes by 30%. Even in Texas there are growing protests over tax increases everywhere […]

Chicago MERC Ends Floor Trading after 167 Years

This is the end of an era. The Chicago trading pits have closed after 167 years. What is a shame about this is that great traders need the “feel” and you just do not get that from looking at flashing screens. It is like playing chess against a great opponent vs. the computer or flying […]

Market Talk

On Wednesday, China’s Securities Finance Corporation — known as CSF — announced that it will lend billions to big Chinese brokerage firms so they can buy more stocks. The goal is to purchase enough shares that stock prices stop plunging. These measures have resulted in a positive performance for the Chinese market (+5.8% on the day) […]

Why Was the 1933 Confiscation of Gold A “Good Thing”?

QUESTION: Why was the confiscation of gold by FDR in 1933 a good thing? ED ANSWER: What you have to understand is that Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s (FDR) actions in 1933 were not directed simply at gold. This was the end of austerity, which is what was creating the serious economic depression. So, you must separate gold and […]

What About the Amero?

The conspiracy camp all but concluded that the Amero would be issued by 2010 as a product of the North American Monetary Union, which some argued was to be part of NAFTA. It made for a great prediction; in Canada, they were calling it just USA and Canada. The idea never gained fundamental support politically and […]

Greece & Its Banks

Any hope that Greece will now negotiate with its creditors should help to hold the euro for now. But keep in mind that Brussels has still not changed its mind or its philosophy. It is going to take more than just Grexit. Eventually, Greece will have to leave. There will be no choice and its […]