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TIME is more than Money – It is EVERYTHING

TIME is more than just money; it’s absolutely everything and then some! Personal opinion just utterly fails because we are all human. Markets routinely do what the majority never expects. That is their function. They mutate like a virus always changing its genetic code to defeat medicine, or in this case, traders. This why most […]

In Massachusetts – they Arrest You for failure to Renew a Dog License

Believe it or not, the town of Westminster in Massachusetts arrests people for failing to renew a dog license. The municipality issued an arrest warrant for Brian Vincent for not renewing his dog license. The town officials do not deny using the criminal procedure to collect fees. They claim that all proper procedures were followed when handling the […]

British Prosecutors Charging Hate Crimes for just saying “All right Geezer.”

The British government is also going completely nuts with criminal charges for nonsense. British prosecutors charged a woman for calling a man a “pussy”. Then there is the case of a businessman who was charged with a hate crime for saying to a transgender man presenting himself as a woman  – “all right geezer.” He alleged […]

Dormant/Extinct Volcano Erupts for First Time in Recorded History

Another dormant volcano has suddenly awakened erupting in a rather spectacular fashion, spewing lava for the first time in known history. It sent an ash cloud 2.1 kilometers into the sky. This ancient volcano on Kadovar Island, which is northeast of Papua New Guinea, has been dormant throughout human history until January 5th, 2018.  It began […]

Snow in the Sahara Desert – 3rd Time in 37 years

Last year, the snow appeared in Spain wiping out the crops and causing rationing of vegetables. This year the snow went down even further and crossed into Algeria covering the desert. So while the Global Warming people are desperate to explain weather as caused by humans, we are ignoring the cycle of the sun which […]

World Debt Burden has Exceeded $230 Trillion

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it interesting how you have pointed out that when it comes to public debt, the USA is actually far better than Europe or many in Asia. You also forecast that debt would begin to rise sharply from mid-2017 going into 2021. Do you have any figures to support that forecast? […]

Climate Change – As if it was not Supposed to Change

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your computer has proven it can forecast markets, economies, the rise and fall of governments, war, and now even weather well in advance of anyone else. Is this bitter cold just a taste of what is to come? If so, I definitely think it is time to follow you south before you can’t […]

Ukraine & the Next Revolution

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for defending the Ukrainian people in their quest to overthrow the government corruption. You are a great inspiration here in Kiev. What does your model show for the success of our revolution looking ahead? PN ANSWER:  There are many in the West who know nothing of Ukraine […]

Supreme Court Brief of Martin Armstrong

Supreme Court Brief of Martin Armstrong

The Municipal Debt Crisis Begins

I have previously reported that about 50% of German municipalities are insolvent. This is a global trend and we are witnessing it in the United States as well. The North Rhine-Westphalian Association of Cities has called for help from the future German federal government as the building crisis among financially weak municipalities continue to escalate. This […]