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The Souvenirs of Public Political Executions?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe you mentioned at one of the conferences that the Chinese dragged a member of their high court out into the square and set him on fire in his judicial robs.  Am I correct in that statement? When was that exactly? MS ANSWER: You are not far off. Zang Tang (? – […]

Market Talk- May 8th, 2018

Although we await US President Trump’s Iran Nuclear address later this afternoon, Asian markets still closed better bid across the boards. Most of this was associated to the regional currency declines, but we did see some markets that performed. In Hong Kong the Hang Seng opened over 1% higher and continued to make progress for […]

Market Talk- May 7, 2018

Shanghai was the star performer today, gaining 1.5% as moves to open the domestic market continues to progress. New rules that will allow overseas listed companies to list domestically is a strong signal that China is open (and encouraged) for business. News that the regulator is to issue draft rules surrounding the issuance of CDR’s […]

CNN Neither the Most Watched nor the Most Trusted News

I was on a rather high-level phone call to Asia. The commentary turned to Trump and CNN. Here the opinion from outside the country was that Trump was doing a very good job. He has started a renegotiation of trade and he is the first president to take a hardline position against North Korea which […]

Market Talk- April 27, 2018

A steady day all-round today for Asia following Thursday healthy US session. The Hang Seng bounced back the 1% that it lost yesterday, although still has a little work to do. The Tech and Energy sectors have eventually found buyers and encouragingly they finished with a strong bid. Shanghai added 0.23% led by healthcare but, […]

Armenia Turning to Revolution?

The protests in Armenia are continuing. Now Al-Jazeera reports that the soldiers are joining the people. Back on April 23rd, Armenia celebrated the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan, the man who had ruled Armenia for ten years as president/dictator and then for a week changing his title to the Prime Minister. Everyone celebrated and shops ran out of champagne. […]

The Great Divide – Left v Right

COMMENT: You are wrong. Trump is the entire reason the country is divided. HR REPLY: I have stated numerous times that this is a global trend. Now the BBC has taken a world survey on this very question. This is the Ipsos MORI study, which was carried out in 27 countries for the BBC. You […]

Australian Tax Office Scandal

COMMENT:  The Hunt for taxes Just to bring to your attention a scandal coming out with the Tax office in Australia pursuing aggressive revenue targets, and using unethical practices to generate it. D ANSWER: The scandal in Australia with the head of the Tax office is shocking involving a $165 million tax-fraud ­syndicate scandal. The police […]

Unleash the Dogs of War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, regarding your recent post about War, does this topic also relate to some hidden agenda about decreasing the world population? Thank you as always for your insight! Yours, JL ANSWER: There does not appear to be such a coordinated agenda. This is a few agencies who fear they are becoming redundant like NATO and […]

West v Russia

When governments attempt to persuade the people to their side, the rhetoric becomes so blatant it is stunning that the majority of people just believe what they are told. The typical tactic is always to paint your enemy as some “monster” as Trump just called Assad. You must always demean an opponent and the simple fact […]