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The Socialist Lie that We have had Always a Growth Economy Since Roosevelt

A comment by a reader with a philosophy is interesting and delusional at the same time. “Armstrong chose not to seek any compromise but to put all the blame on government. In principle, that’s got to be an absurd point of view. So it seems to me. One more thing, to his alleged factual correlation. Government […]

Market Talk February 25th, 2016

Shanghai was the talk between many dealers again this morning after we saw heavy morning selling accompanied by afternoon selling, which resulted in a 6.4% decline in the index. Financials were one of the leaders as the FX yuan mid-point rate was set lower at 6.5273 to the dollar on Tuesday and on Thursday at 6.5318. […]

Market Talk February 24th, 2015

When we left the Asian and European session you could not give equities away, and this evening everything has seen an about change! No, for us this is confidence and the devil you know pitted against the devil you do not. The USD has been the key achiever across all time zones and although it may be […]

Politics – Trump – BREXIT

Some people have asked if I am a Republican or Democrat/ Labour or Tory. Both political sides are wrong. They pander to their core constituents using the social issues to get everyone wound-up, but when it comes to economics; well there is no real difference. Neither side will reform or downsize government. Their solution will […]

Social Inequality – Who Actually Creates It?

QUESTION: Dear Martin Armstrong, I appreciate very much your economic analysis and read your blog nearly daily although I disagree with some of your political statements. In your last blog about Schengen you mention that “Everything is connected and nothing takes place in some isolated vacuum”.  Obvious. According to me, and many others re-known economists […]

Market Talk — February 19, 2016

A very welcome quiet Friday after another volatile week for Asian markets but at least this one has been positive for the Nikkei. Closing down today (-1.3%) as dealers continue to question the BOJ’s drastic monetary policy (despite rumors of agree officials attempting to silence the media) but the Nikkei has closed up almost 7% […]

Market Talk — February 18, 2016

Shanghai was following the heard (+1.5%) until the last few hours of trading when the index fell to close small down (-0.2%). Both the Nikkei and Hang Seng built on yesterday’s gains, despite (Japanese) economic data failing to live up to expectations (exports fell 12.9% against a market consensus of -11.3%). Worth noting also is […]

Bitcoin Reality

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong : Since you have deep knowledge about coins and currencies going back to ancient times, it would be really helpful to get your view of what Bitcoin is or could be as a sort of “World Currency”. Is it a fad or something that should be taken seriously? Thank you – BH ANSWER: No, […]

Who Creates Social Inequality?

QUESTION: Dear Martin Armstrong, I appreciate very much your economic analysis and read your blog nearly daily although I disagree with some of your political statements. In your last blog about Schengen you mention that “Everything is connected and nothing takes place in some isolated vacuum”.  Obvious. According to me, and many others re-known economists […]

Euro Near Collapse?

The euro continues its fall and the likelihood of reaching 116 is starting to dwindle. Even the British Telegraph has come out and stated that the bail-in plan for government bonds in Europe risks destroying the entire euro system. We have to understand that those in power are clueless. All they do is try to […]