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War & Who is the Aggressor?

What is very clear is that the philosophy adopted by the US military post-World War II seriously threatens world peace and it diminishes the dignity of the United States. In the Cycle of War report, I provided the evidence that every single war we have engaged in has been a lie not just the invasion of Iraq […]

Market Talk- April 11, 2018

The US did lose around a third of its gains in the final hour of trading Tuesday, but it still closed strong. It was that confidence that carried some of the markets in Asia forward but there were some that were not convinced. The Australian ASX, SENSEX and Nikkei looked hesitant and took time to […]

Mueller – the Secret Agent of the Deep State?

Robert Mueller’s team members are the people who destroyed Arthur Anderson. When the firm finally got to the Supreme Court, they overruled Mueller’s team for what they had done was unconstitutional. Well, they are back at it. This is what is wrong with our legal system. Prosecutors act with immunity and can do whatever they want FIRST […]

Market Talk- April 10, 2018

Todays comments from China president, Xi Jinping that China was willing to open its markets, soon lent equities a helping hand. From a lower core opening, it was not long before all started to move from strength to strength. Shanghai and the Hang Seng reacted most to the speech and saw returns of around 1.75% […]

The Coming Pi Target – Will it Bring World War III?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Putin invaded Syria precisely on the day of your model back in 2015.75. You have stated at the WEC that the upcoming Pi turning point on November 21, 2018, is most often political in nature. You scheduled this year’s WEC for the week before. Trump just called Assad an animal. Even […]

Market Talk- April 9th, 2018

A very encouraging start to the week especially given the declines seen in the US late on Friday. Many were concerned Asia would continue the US wobble, which were the preliminary moves for Shanghai, Nikkei and ASX. However, after the initial moves were rejected most moved to recover early losses. The Hang Seng was the […]

World Trade – We Are Lost But Don’t Even Know It

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only rational person who understands world trade. Trump said we already lost the Trade War. Does he have any clue as to what is really going on in world trade? HF     ANSWER: Sorry, but he and just about everyone else are just brainwashed when it […]

World Trade – Who is Really Hurt in a Trade War?

The US share markets opened lower on Friday as renewed fears of a trade conflict between the United States and China continued to top the excuses for a correction. This even took the headlines surpassing the lower-than-expected March jobs data which they traditionally have focused on with respect to interest rate hikes. As always, there seems to […]

Market Talk- April 5, 2018

It was a close race between the Nikkei and the SENSEX for today’s outperformer in core Asia but the winner was eventually India. The SENSEX rallied 1.75%, with all sectors adding to the sentiment, but it was the currency appreciating that really added the value. However, we are still under the key resistance level of […]

Market Talk- April 4, 2018

The choppy conditions spread across all three sectors today with volatility from Australia to America. The only common theme today appeared to be volatility, resulting in the rejection of both large gains and losses! The ASX recovered from a very weak open, whilst the Shanghai index lost all gains to close down on the day. […]