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Interest Rates will Soar into 2015.75 and Beyond

Here is our 1996 forecast for long-term interest rates that we put out with the dollar low in 1995. We warned that interest rates would bottom on the Pi Cycle 31.4 Years from the 1981 high. That would be followed by a very sharp rally in rates into 2015.75. This was all part of the […]

ECM – Just Follow the Money

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Has the ECM failed to predict events in the past? If so, which ones and were you able to modify to address the flaw? If not, what event(s) would need to occur to disprove the validity of the ECM? Best Regards, Kyle ANSWER: No. It is a composite of everything, not anything […]

All Major Governments Die by their Own Hand

QUESTION: “So Deutsche Bank is bankrupt and US investment and commercial banks are at big risk from rising yields, but all the stock prices are still going up because people will trust owning Goldman or Barclays stocks over owning government bonds???” ANSWER: I seriously doubt that bank stocks will do well. During the Sovereign Debt […]

Fundamentals & Gold & The Euro

Gold tumbled about 3% after positive US jobs data sent the dollar rallying and rekindled worries the Federal Reserve could be tempted to scale back its monetary stimulus later in the year. I have warned that the US economic outlook is bullish into 2015.75. The dollar will rise and that will help turn the US […]

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the governments bond collapse beyond 2015.75, could USA devalue the dollar and make a combination of bond default with a new currency? 3- Is physical gold in the allocated form in a […]

Gold & Euro – Here we Go Again.

One reader writes making a statement that clearly we are so influential and that is why only a fool does not read our work. Some people assume simply because I said Friday was a low in gold and we should get a 3 day reaction rally and it does, that this is all influence. This […]

Male or Female Makes No Difference – They Are All After Your Money

When Diocletian (284-305AD) came to power after the Great Monetary Collapse of the 3rd Century, he sought to restore the economy even reintroducing silver coins. However, to accomplish that he imposed aggressive taxation and invented passports since you could not travel leaving your town unless you paid your taxes. This is exactly what is in […]

Germany – The Worst of the Banking Crisis in Europe?

Since 2010, members of the German Parliament have been using the iPad in the office, and the Parliament approved the iPad as a paper-replacement for reading speeches. But that said, improvements economically have not taken place. German net worth per family is among the LOWEST in Europe because of excessive regulation and high taxation. The socialist […]

Goldman Sachs v Armstrong

 Dancing with the 800 Pound Gorilla The strangest part of my own case was the fact that anyone who has ever attempted to go after Goldman Sachs & crew of Investment Bankers, has strangely encountered the heavy hand of government that is used to protect them resulting in the New Your Investment Bankers being called […]

Interest Rates Starting to Soar Even in Europe

  Too many people are simply confused by the talking heads on TV who honestly cannot articulate anything that is real in the analytic world. So many people commented that demand should collapse for real estate with the first uptick in rates and that we were dead wrong. The average person is not that stupid. […]