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Athens: The Prelude to Freedom or Perpetual Economic Servitude?

The reading from our staff on the grounds in Athens seems to be 50/50 right now, but the NO vote appears to be more organized with booths and stalls setup everywhere. A NO vote is the ONLY way forward for Greece. What they must be mindful of is that Brussels will have its talons firmly embedded in the count. It is […]

Merkel’s Obsession with Austerity & Bias of the Press Against Greece

The obsession with austerity stems from Germany’s experience with hyperinflation. This is akin to the USA’s obsession with the deflation of the Great Depression. Both political groups and nations fail to understand the real causes of what they experienced so we end up with rising authoritarianism that will not end nicely. Austerity cannot continue when government continues […]

Cyprus – Greece – Whose Next?

The Sovereign Debt Crisis began with Greece asking for help from the IMF to the day of pi from the peak in the ECM 2007.15. The EU then crushed Cyprus to see how they could get away with not paying people or honoring their debts. The Cyprus experiment was the start of the bail-in that is now […]

Market Talk

As you would expect ahead of July 4th weekend, volumes were a fraction of their norm – as if they were not poor enough! Asian equities were the early talk today and the possible investigation into the recent wild volatility of the Shanghai (SHCOMP) equity market – today closing down almost 6%. An interesting point of fact […]

Merkel’s Amnesia: What Goes Around Does Not Always Come Around

Merkel is obsessed with the German hyperinflation (which leads to demands for austerity) and assumes that her personal promise that Greece will be made to pay back any bailout, shows that she places her personal career above the variability of Europe and her own nation. Her stubbornness concerning Greece is placing the entire world at […]

EU Openly Wants to Overthrow the Greek Government

The Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten is reporting that the head of the EU and Merkel are now openly calling for the overthrow of the Greek government. It is their way or no way. To defend a failed euro, they will not tolerate any democratic process that disagrees with their vision of a federalized Europe. This is World War […]

The Fallacy of Trying to Fight the Troika in Their Own Courts

Greece now threatens to appeal the abuse of the Troika by taking court action to block a Grexit, or really a Greek expulsion or takeover of Greece by the Troika. European leaders have sold their own peoples’ rights to the highest bidder in Brussels and warn in concert that a “No” vote on Sunday means that […]

It Begins – Austrian Voters Sign Petition to Exit EU Forcing Parliamentary Debate

It has already begun. The total mismanagement of Euroland and the utter failure to understand what the German hyperinflation was all about has led to the misconception that austerity is good and inflation is bad. Imposing austerity creates deflation. The Troika is completely wrong. The fallout from Cyprus was nothing. Now the Troika is punishing […]

Troika Maneuvering to Rig Greek Referendum

In a TV interview, Mr. Varoufakis said very clearly, “This is a very dark moment for Europe. They have closed our banks for the sole purpose of blackmailing what? Getting a ‘Yes’ vote on a non-sustainable solution that would be bad for Europe.” I must admit, most politicians do not come even close to the truth, […]

Greek Crisis Fails to Stimulate Gold

Despite the greatest political crisis in Europe, there has been “no love for gold” according to CNBC. Indeed, this crisis does in fact warn that all the theories about gold just might be wrong and are remnants of a 60+ generation who remembers Bretton Woods. Has time and circumstance changed so much that gold is becoming obsolete? […]