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Protectionism & Trade Wars

While Trump is being portrayed and the insane President hellbent on destroying world trade, the truth is the tariffs on steel and aluminum account for 0.2% of GDP or just 2% of actual trade flows of $2.4 trillion. On top of that, every president at least since Jimmy Carter has imposed protectionist tariffs on some […]

Market Talk- March 22, 2018

  Having seen the US markets actions to the FED hike, we had a rather dull response in Asia which resulted in a mixed session. Tech and Real Estate pushed the Hang Seng down just over 1% through on-going data concerns, then also worries over increased funding costs. The Shanghai also fell -0.5% when the […]

Is Goldman Sachs the new Rothschilds?

Many in Germany are up-in-arms over the appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel of Jörg Kukies who will become deputy finance minister in her new coalition government. Kukies will take over the responsibilities for financial markets and European policies at the Finance Ministry. Virtually every position in the key financial markets in Europe and American are all coming from […]

Market Talk- March 19, 2018

At the start of what is expected to be a busy week, Asian markets closed mixed but with concerns over the weekends that President Trump had decided to remove the national security advisor expected to wobble markets. Consequently, the Nikkei took much of the brunt of the action after the Yen saw a fresh flight […]

The Unsound Theory of Inflation

QUESTION: You defend central banks yet the Rothschilds when clearly Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild said: “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws.”  Any comment? SL ANSWER: No problem. He never said any such thing it was completely made up. It was attributed to him in 1838 when he […]

Market Talk- March 16, 2018

A mixed shop for Asian indices with most playing either side of unchanged for much of the day. The Nikkei opened with a small gain but was again soon under pressure as continued trade war fears and US political concerns with the news that the US Special Council Robert Muller has subpoenaed the Trump Organization […]

Corruption & the Rule of Law

QUESTION: Today’s opinion section of the WSJ features an article on government’s intervention in AIG. The troublesome point concerns the possibility of a new precedent w.r.t. property rights in the USA, viz.: “…the government may unlawfully deprive shareholders of their ownership and control of a company as long as it does not formally seize their […]

Market Talk- March, 13, 2018

A pretty mixed bag for Asia today with most core indices playing around unchanged for much of the day. The late weakness in the DOW obviously didn’t help confidence but then futures are bouncing back in Asian trading. The talk surrounding US tariffs still add a dampener on the Asian producers and that may be […]

New California Rebels Against Tyranny of the Majority

The movement within California to split the state between Republican v Democrat has passed the first hurdle in becoming the 51st State. The movement is called the New California. They read their own Declaration of Independence on the floor of the State Senate. Their position reflects the serious divide within this country of left v right. […]

Reality of Being a Chief Economic Advisor

QUESTION: I thank God that your are here in my lifetime. The information you freely impart is priceless and I can’t wait to read your daily Posts. I believe that it would be incredibly wise if President Trump were to invite you to replace Gary Cohen as his Chief Economic Advisor. My question is regarding the […]