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CIA Assassination Plots Exposed in 1975

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it certainly seems that the bureaucracy is really operating against the people. They have tried to assassinate heads of states before. Do you think they would try this in the USA again? WR ANSWER: The CIA was exposed back in 1975 for plotting to assassinate various world leaders. The November 20th, 1975 release […]

The Greek Dark Age & Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You mentioned that the environment was the primary cause of the Greek Dark age between the Heroic and Hellenistic periods. Can you elaborate on that at all? Thank you. They do not seem to connect the dots as you say in school MG ANSWER: What is most interesting is the fact that they do not […]

What is Wrong with Formal Education

QUESTION: I too am French and nobody in school ever connected the weather to the defeat of Napoleon even with so many deaths on his failed invasion of Russia. History is interesting, but it seems to be taught based upon some political agenda. What would you recommend for students to study since the formal education […]

Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win

  Some people have asked about the computer projections for a tremendous increase in civil violence. There is absolutely no resolution to the great divide that has unfolded politically. The Democrats advocate violence as Hillary clearly states. She says that civility can ONLY return when the Democrats take back the government. Clearly, this is throwing […]

Napoleon – War – Sunspots & Human Excitability

COMMENT: I love when you educate us about the weather, especially the cycles. the NAPOLEON story killed me !!! I’m a french and believe me, nobody talked in school about the weather cycles when he tried to fight Russia and lost everything. I read 3 times your chart which plots the temperatures and the cycle initiated […]

Gold is Turning Up with the Pi Target & may Rally into the Next 2020

Gold has broken out above the Downtrend Line and is poised to retest that going into the Pi turning point on the Economic Confidence Model target in November. If the market bounces off this technical support and rallies after the Pi turning point, then we should expect gold to rally to test the Yearly Bullish […]

Pentagon Warned President Bush Global Warming Was Bigger Threat Than Terrorism

  A secret report by the US defense chiefs warned President Bush that Global Warming was such a great threat that it would destroy the United States and major European cities. They told the President that cities would sink beneath rising seas and Britain would be plunged into a “Siberian” climate by 2020. They warned that […]

The Hunger Stones Have Appeared

While the Global Warming fanatics are out in force saying “see” the heat in Europe is caused by humans driving their cars around, they continue to ignore history. The extreme heat in Europe this year is part of a cycle. The swings from extreme heat to extreme cold are also not unheard of. Another piece […]

The Shortage of US Dollars

What people have to understand is that the Federal Reserve is moving in the opposite direction with respect to its monetary base. The Adjusted Monetary Base is the sum of currency (including coin) in circulation outside Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Treasury, plus deposits held by depository institutions at Federal Reserve Banks. These data are […]

ECM & the Cycle Inversion?

The Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is a global business cycle. The entire world economy NEVER peaks and bottoms together. This latest turning point of July 12th, 2018 (2018.529) has apparently provided a MAJOR warning that we just could be moving into a major Cycle Inversion from the perspective of the United States. What does that […]