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Trump’s Federal Reserve nominee Judy Shelton & Gold

QUESTION: Hello Where do you guys see as the next World economic conference in 2020?. Will there be another one in Asia? or Europe? Also, I wanted to try to give this question to Marty, although I never had the luck to get his response… more than once. “Trump just announced to nominate Judy Shelton […]

Trump Clarifies Attack Not Appropriate Since No American Loss of Life

To the hatred of the neocons, including Bolton, Trump has explained that it was inappropriate to retaliate against Iran when 150 people would be killed for the downing of a drone. This not merely shows the nature of Trump, but clearly displays the efforts behind the curtain to get rid of him to wage another […]

Trump Stands Down on Retaliation Against Iran

Trump said Iran’s attack on the drone was probably an unintentional “mistake.” According to sources, President Trump had approved military strikes against Iran targeting its radar and missile batteries in retaliation for the attack on the American surveillance drone, but he scratched the mission after the planes were in the air. The White House and […]

Is Trump Trying to Prevent China’s Rise with Tariffs?

QUESTION: Martin, You said that China will become the financial capital of the world by 2032. Why do you think that what Trump is doing to China with tariffs and the trade war will not be able to stop China becoming the financial capital of the world? RM ANSWER: Trump’s tariffs are not intended to […]

Trump v Federal Reserve – Why?

QUESTION: Good afternoon Martin, Do you gander that President Trump is aware that a higher dollar will cream the economy and is doing all he can to fight that trend? Maybe he is reading AE but like other politicians still thinks he can manipulate the economy? Trump is battling the Fed over interest rates. What […]

What Comes After Trump is What We Need to be Concerned About

QUESTION: You said you are worried about what comes after Trump you mean after the next four years right? There is no way Trump can lose this election right? Thank You S ANSWER: My concern is not a specific time, but who could possibly replace him as a person. There is nobody I know of […]

Trump’s National Security Claims for Autos

Toyota has criticized President Donald Trump’s decision to declare some auto sector imports a national security threat. They say it sends a message that Japan’s largest carmaker isn’t welcome in the United States. Trump has used the threat of “national security” as the excuse for a trade war. His policies on trade are very old […]

Trump’s Trade War with China – Just Wrong!

QUESTION: Do you support Trump and his trade war with China? QW ANSWER: No. Trump is living in an old world view of trade. The numbers are not accurate to begin with. The United States for years actually relied on economic interdependence with China as a stabilizing force in relations with Beijing on geopolitical levels. […]

Congress v Trump – Have They Destroyed the Constitution?

Originally, the Founding Fathers envisioned a government that was “We The People.” The structural design was based largely on the writings of Montesque and embodied the separation of powers — Executive (bureaucracy), Congress (the people), and the Judiciary (the arbitrator). Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), at the age of 81, gave his assessment of the direction of […]

Trump’s China Tweet

Trump wrote on Twitter over the weekend that tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods could rise to 25%. He said that a 25% tariff will soon be assigned to a selection of $325 billion in presently untaxed goods. The tweet sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average down sharply while the yield on the 10-year […]