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2017 World Economic Conferences

2017 World Economic Conferences This year’s Orlando World Economic Conference is going to be important. Things are shaping up political to be a real nightmare and the markets are reflecting total confusion. As we head into 2018, this may actually present not the trade of a lifetime, but the trade of several lifetimes. As they […]

Democrats Can’t Beat Trump With All Actors & Media on Their SIde

Despite having Hollywood, Google, Mainstream Media, and countless violent activists, the Democrats still can’t beat Trump. They just do not comprehend what is going on. There have been four congressional special elections this year where Democrats and Republicans have gone head-to-head. The Democrats have lost every one. Even the Georgia election, which was not a […]

Local Police Writing Tickets for Anything

COMMENT: Hi Martin Message from the UK. My brother went into town, and he put a cigarette out on the pavement. Because he took 2 steps away from it before picking it up, he was told, “l believe it was your intention to walk away instead of putting it in the bin” Of which his […]

California Wants to Tax Space Flights Per Mile They Travel

Believe it or not, the California Politicians & Regulators just spend all their time trying to figure out how to tax something new for they will never reform, it’s always give me more. California wants to collect taxes from space transportation companies based upon, get this, a formula of how frequent a company launches spacecrafts out of […]

Macron Hacked – But it Looks Like Anti-Establishment Anti-Soros Movement

Emmanuel Macron and his staff were the target of a major co-ordinated computer hack on Friday night with only 48 hours before the election. This is similar to the cyberattacks that hit the Democratic Party during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign last year. Macron’s campaign announced Friday that tens of thousands of its internal emails and […]

Mainstream Media is the Third Horseman of Economic Apocalypse

COMMENT: Martin, OK, so I don’t follow major media at all.  However, there was a link to a story from the Washington Post on Google.  Silly me–I followed it.  There, in white letters on a black background was the WP’s logo and motto:  “Democracy dies in darkness”. And there you have it:  They told the […]

Austria Wants to Tax Any Search, Like, or Communication via Internet

Andreas Schieder (born 1969) is the parliamentary head of Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern’s Social Democrats. He is a typical career politician since 1997 and the very type of person who has no idea about the world economy no less human nature. He is a highly dangerous bureaucrat who only looks at people like cattle from […]

Market Talk – April 28th, 2017

After the US closed we saw yet more encouraging results from the likes of Alphabet (Google parent) and Amazon (+4% futures) which has boosted confidence into the Asian session. However, that run did not last long as comments from President Trump concerning North Korea certainly unnerved markets resulting in a mixed close for month end. […]

Bose Spying on its Customers?

  Reuters is reporting that a lawsuit was just filed on Tuesday in federal court in Chicago seeking an injunction to stop Bose’s “wholesale disregard” for the privacy of customers who download its free Bose Connect app from Apple Inc or Google Play stores to their smartphones. The lawsuit alleges that Bose Corp spies on […]

Face of the AfD in Germany Looks to Resign

Frauke Petry, the face of the AfD in Germany, is apparently thinking about resigning from politics. She has stated publicly: “Neither the politics nor the AfD are alternative for me.” The 41-year-old politician spoke of an “enormous expenditure of force” and the “farewell to a regular life” being in politics. The polls at the end of […]