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Viktor Orbán Tries to Save Europe from World War III

Europe is desperate to commit geopolitical and economic suicide. They have bullshitted the people all along, and all they are interested in is creating war to devastate Europe a third time simply as the excuse to cover up the economic failure of the Euro and the fiscal mismanagement of the economy. All world leaders have […]

The Hypocritical Financial Markets

  QUESTION: I was told I should not listen to you because you manipulated the world economy with the bankers, and you were an adviser to BCCI and managed money for Saddam Hussein and Qadaffi. When I asked if you manipulated the world economy, then why invest against you? There was no reply. I watched […]

Why Our Legal System is Collapsing

QUESTION: Your curiosity has traveled down so many paths, and you are quite unique in your diverse knowledge and experience. I am curious myself about your comment that our legal system has crumbled. As a legal scholar among your many talents, you mentioned that we should have taken the advice of Ben Franklin in creating […]

Feinstein Died Wealthy – Insider Trading and Lobbying Must End

Dianne Feinstein adhered to Hillary Clinton’s suggestion to die in office to save her seat for another Democrat. Feinstein earned about $200,000 annually as a public servant. And yet, she died a wealthy woman with an extensive real estate portfolio. Lobbyists should be illegal. Their sole purpose is to bribe our elected officials in order […]

Soros Targets Media in Maine

Alex Soros confirmed that he will be focusing his attention on having Joe Biden re-installed as president. The Soros family and the Open Society Foundation are no strangers to using the media to their advantage. “Whoever controls the media controls the mind,” as they say. Now Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss and the Open Society Foundation […]

Senior Citizen of the Silent Generation Seeks 20th Term

Most of the people in charge of the US are too old to function. Nancy Pelosi announced that she plans to seek re-election to the House of Representative in 2024. This would be Pelosi’s TWENTIETH term. The top insider trader in the nation has done absolutely nothing during her time in politics. So why should […]

Soros Sets Focus on Defeating Trump

They simply cannot bring Donald Trump down as his supporters are extremely loyal. The globalist elite are in a panic – if the inditement doesn’t work, Trump will come out swinging with a vengeance. Trump has already vowed to prosecute all responsible for this fake witch hunt. Perhaps they underestimated the overwhelming amount of support […]

The Collapse of the Rule of Law

COMMENT: Marty, I hear Trump is to be arraigned, this time the first with a mugshot that will certainly go viral worldwide, on Aug. 25th. This is immediately after the BRICS summit on Aug, 22-24 with discussions of a new non-dollar trading currency. I can’t believe these lunatics are going to prove to the world […]

JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to perjure himself for the government or face 120 years in prison. This is how they win Conspiracy Cases. Federal Judge Jed. S. Rakoff wrote a book on the extortion […]

Planned Parenthood – Eugenics and Population Control Report

Planned Parenthood released its annual report for 2021-2022, congratulating themselves for the work they have done. Bans off our bodies – sure. I do not take the authoritarian route on any personal choice. But there is no mistaking the targeted eugenics program at the foundation of Planned Parenthood. They have been openly targeting Black and […]