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The Financial Crisis 1992-1993

QUESTION: Marty, it is well known here in Britain that you advised Thatcher of course, but it was John Major you advised and even wrote what he said during the pound crisis and the Soros attack. Would you ever like to comment on that in public about what really happened during that crisis. The press will […]

Confidence in Real Estate Crashes in Australia

The rush of foreign capital that has caused real estate in major cities to soar coming out of China has hit Australia, Canada, and the USA. The laws against foreign ownership in Australia have been the harshest in the world. They have confiscated property owned by foreigners and are forcing it to be sold at losses. […]

Market Recap

Our Target for a turning point was February and that may indeed produce the highest monthly closing. The intraday high came on March 1st, but looking forward we are due for that correction we warned going into the April/May time period. The talk seems to be concern that Trump is being attacked on all sides […]

Market Talk- March 20th, 2017

Asia performed reasonably well today if you neglect the Nikkei. Both the Hang Seng and Shanghai closed in positive territory, +0.8% and +0.4% respectively. The Nikkei, however, spot lit the party somewhat with a small -0.3% decline, but saw the JPY trade into the mid 112’s. The talking point Monday morning was the lack of […]

Market Talk- March 17th, 2017

  Given the mixed to small lower session seen in the US, the reaction it had on Asia was understandably a marginally weaker theme. Eventually, we saw losses in the Nikkei (-0.35%) and Shanghai (-0.95%) but gains for ASX (+0.25%) and Hang Seng (+0.1%). The geopolitical concerns are still present between China and Japan over […]

Market Talk- March 16th, 2017

The weaker USD was blamed for the rally seen in Asian stocks today, with many also saying it was about time! The mood within Asia certainly feels nervous and even with the BOJ press conference, the trend remained to purchase Yen as a safety option. Towards the close of the US session however, after a […]

Trump – Dollar & Why He Will Fail

QUESTION: Hi Martin, How is the dollar supposed to continue to rise when Trump and all of his cabinet members want a weaker dollar? They constantly blame others with currency manipulation, all the while they are in fact manipulating the dollar lower with their comments. Hello pot, meet kettle!!! The last 2 Fridays the dollar has […]

Largest New Discovery of Oil in USA Puts USA in Top Ten

Another major discovery of oil has been made in Alaska of 1.2 billion barrels. It is the largest find of conventional oil for 30 years on US territory. The discovery was made by the Spanish oil company Repsol on Thursday with its US partner Armstrong Energy. According to a report from the company, the production […]

Market Talk- March 15th, 2017

Another quiet session for Asia with closes small mixed. Toshiba was again a talking point after it lost 12% in todays trading with the added possibility that it may delisted. China’s President, Xi Jinping, commented recently concerns surrounding President Trump and his views surrounding US trade partners; guess this will be hotly debated come the […]

Market Talk- March 14th, 2017

Another quiet trading session for Asia resulting in mixed signals with little headway made. All core markets closed within 0.10% of their previous close. China Industrial production rose (6.3% while estimate were 6.2%) for the first couple of this year but were disappointed as Retail Sales released at 9.5% against an expected 10.5%. The BOJ will […]