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Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

Around the globe people are rising up as Socialism is collapsing. All the promises of a better life have allowed governments to grow like mold in a closed bag of bread. The youth have no future for as government continue to hunt down any money as the G8 leaders pledged to hunt down anyone who […]

Everyone Trades According to their Base Currency

The problem both analysts and government have is they view the world only through the same looking glass relating everything to the domestic economy in dollars alone. But investors buy and sell internationally according to their own base currency – the one profits are measured and in which they are taxed. You can’t tell the […]

New Fed Chairman – a Woman

Ben Bernanke will leave office most likely in January when we have more Panic Cycles and that has been shaping up as a turning point. Bernanke is not dumb. He can see the problem with keeping rates so low and realizes they will rise on their own anyhow. The monetary easing is coming to an […]

Gold Standard

QUESTION: If money was gold we would not have inflation. Why do you disagree with that? Do you like inflation? ANSWER: Sorry. Even when gold was money in coin form there was inflation. The economy rises and falls. That is the Business Cycle. Those who advocate the Gold Standard have never invested what they claim. […]

Russia Moves to Defend Syria

  The Russian Vice Admiral Kulakov destroyer is heading for Syria. Just one day after the G8 Summit ended in the complete failure of Western leaders to overcome Russian resistance to a resolution mandating President Bashar Assad’s ouster, Moscow announced Wednesday June 19 that it was dispatching two warships carrying 600 Russian marines to Syria. The official […]

Euro – Weekly Outlook

The next key weekly target for a turning point will be the week of June 17th. This Friday, a closing BELOW 13133 will warn that the euro is starting to weaken once again after this short-cover rally. The key support remains 12137 and this is where a weekly closing beneath this level will signal the […]

Euro Forecast

The Euro made its new high today on the 17.2 frequency. We did not exceed the key resistance and if we now close lower, we should see a retest of support. A closing below 13180 will confirm a sell signal. The market volatility began on target so now watch the closing. Going into next week, […]

USA – Has it become Reagan’s Definition of an Evil Empire?

The phrase “Evil Empire” was applied to the Soviet Union by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who characterized the Soviet Union’s strategic and global military capabilities of world dominance. The characterization was viewed as demeaning by the Soviet leaders. However, everything that Reagan used to justify that label the NSA, Feinstein and Boehner have adopted and […]

Greece Shuts Down TV News

Civil Unrest has been what our model was forecasting. What is happening everywhere is just amazing. Government is so out of control and all this is about is holding on to the reins of power. They have totally forgotten what “free” societies even were supposed to be, In Turkey we have massive riots against the […]

2015 Peak in Solar Storms

Is 2015 also lining up with the major cycle in solar storms? Could this wipe out electricity shutting down the NSA at last for months?