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Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist. He was a politician. You are 100% correct that people will believe what they want to believe. There is no talking to one of this idiots. When […]

Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been reading your blog for years now. It is obvious that you are well connected behind the curtain. It did not take but perhaps a day or two after you explain the difference between wealth and income to suddenly see Elizabeth Warren adopting the position to impose a wealth tax […]

Trump & China Trade Deal – Cyclically On Target? When Mexican Coins Traded at a Premium to America’s

QUESTION: Marty; Are there any cycles dealing with the trade dispute with China that are relevant? OP ANSWER: Actually, yes. The United States created a two-tier monetary system in 1873 to accommodate trade with China who was on a silver standard rather than gold. The actual timing is 17 intervals if the 8.6-year frequency of the […]

This is How the USA Will Collapse – Congress is Incapable to Ruling the Country

Believe it or not, members of Congress continue to get paid even when there is a shutdown on the basis that Congress refuses to fund the government. Elizabeth Warren has come out and stated that she will donate her salary during the shutdown. The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is paid $223,500 per year. The Democrats […]

Why Silver & Barter Could Become the Alternative to Cryptocurrency

  QUESTION: RE: ….& Coming Barter System. So, are you suggesting that we may see a shift to Silver by private individuals as the only way to sidestep Government stupidity, or will it be even worse, like trading whiskey for toilet paper?? TWE ANSWER: Assuming government attempts to follow the IMF’s advice and create cryptocurrencies to […]

Merkel Offering to Pay One-Year’s Living Expenses if Refugees Leave Europe

The latest game in Germany is now Merkel, who offered cash to refugees to return last November, has stepped up her game and offered to pay their living expenses for one year if they return home. Billboards are appearing all over Germany making this latest offer. Believe it or not, more than 20,000 refugees vanish […]

Only 21.5% of Mexico’s Population claim to be Indigenous

QUESTION: I do not have question…and I am not a specialist in the area of genetics but… I thought the “Mexicans” most Americans see about are actually, genetically, mostly indigenous, for instance like American Indians. However, there are is a Minority of white European Mexicans…ancestors who were from Spain. So, the large majority of Mexicans […]

Pocahontas to Run for President

The stage has been set and Elizabeth Warren, aka Pocahontas, is to Run for President. What is going to be really interesting besides her becoming more vocal now for the next two years, will be the revelation of how corrupt she really is. She has bashed the banks and is the closest thing to a […]

Australia Inserting Nano-Chips in $50 & $100 Bills to Track Underground Economy & Coming Barter System

  While the BitCoin people have hated me for not agreeing with them that a private currency could displace the currencies of all nations and BitCoin would be the new “reserve currency” killing the dollar, to me they are in serious need of help. They have ZERO comprehension of governmental power and ZERO understanding of what […]

Strong Dollar & Share Market

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have a problem understanding how could Dow Jones keep hitting records in upcoming years if US dollar gets stronger. Strong dollar will hurt export. Could you perhaps elaborate on this topic a bit? JP ANSWER: Your question assumes the standard ANALYSIS based upon profits. Exports only account for 12% of […]