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Market Talk- March 1, 2018

China appeared as the only bright spot in Asian markets this morning with Shanghai closing up +0.45% and the Hang Seng marginally better at +0.65%. Both indices toyed between both sides until the final hour then recovered at the close. Much of todays talk centred around the deleveraging that President Xi appears to be pushing […]

California in Peril

California is trying to scheme to circumvent the Trump Tax Reform which limits deductions to $10,000 in state taxes from their federal returns. Of course, the California press portrays this as punishment for voting for Hillary. But they support higher taxes as long as they get to deduct them from the Feds, which has been […]

Market Talk- February 26th, 2018

  After the strong close in the US on Friday, we open the week with an equally impressive Asian session. It was the Shanghai index that shone bright today with a 1.25% return, not bad for a Monday and with month end so close. Domestic markets were boosted by the removal of the two-term limit […]

Protecting Schools

QUESTION: You are not in favor of banning all guns? ANSWER: Absolutely not. If that were the case, the only people with guns will be government and criminals who buy them on the black market anyway. This is as absurd as outlawing prostitution and expecting nobody will do it anymore when that practice they say […]

Socialism Always Moves to Tyranny

  The economic message taught in most universities is very distorted. It universally teaches children to judge economic systems from the perspective of their victims. They will endlessly point out the impoverished people and the devastation of the climate as proof that capitalism is evil and that we need government to intervene. We have economist […]

The 2018 Mid-Term Elections

The Mid-Term elections are starting already. There is a huge amount of money being poured into the Democrats to retake the Senate. The entire object here is to reverse the Republican agenda and to return the country back to the class warfare traditions of the Democrats. Of course, this is what will be the final straw […]

Mueller Creates his Own Conspiracy

Robert Mueller III issued a 37-page indictment detailing a description alleging that there was Russian interference in the election targeted against Hillary. The alleged culprit is the Internet Research Agency which targeted over 100 people including the U.S. citizens. Mueller claims they supported Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The clever tactic of Mueller here appears to be […]

Democrats in Conspiracy with Bureaucrats

QUESTION: Briefly, the National Security Agency discovered that the FBI and DOJ were abusing the surveillance system. As a favor of one security agency to another, NSA Director Adm. Rogers permitted the FBI and DOJ to rush to the FISA Court and confess their transgressions before the NSA informed the Court. The FBI and DOJ […]

Market Talk- February 12, 2018

It’s always a difficult trading environment when one large market is closed (Japan Monday), but following last weeks volatility we have seen a quiet bounce-back in quieter conditions. That bounce-back has been more visible in US futures than Asian cash even with the Shanghai closing +0.8% firmer today. The KOPSI (+0.9%) and SENSEX also enjoyed […]

Forecasting the Event – Not the People

COMMENT: The Superbowl forecast is bigger than you think. I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for over 3 years now and your insights cured me of my gold buggery. Thank You again. The most important part of your Superbowl post in my opinion was the following: “The Triple Crown was a piece of cake […]