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How Did Zimbabwe End its Hyperinflation? The Same as Japan

The Zimbabwean dollar (Z$) was the official currency of Zimbabwe from 1980 to April 12, 2009, with three periods of inflation. It began as the highest-valued currency units in the region when it was introduced in 1980 replacing the Rhodesian dollar at par. However, soon political turmoil unfolded and the CONFIDENCE in the government collapsed. This […]

Facing Arethusa Tetradram Brings 522% Advance

The Facing Arethusa Tetradram of Syracuse that sold for 440,000 CHF back in 1999 and was estimated at 1 million CHF, sold for 2.3 million. Given oil was $10 back then, the advance in antiquities has been over 500% still well behind US coins. We are still in the phase of capital trying to get off […]

You Are Not Alone

QUESTION:  Martin, One of my friends who reads you said reading your stuff is like getting a graduate level course in political economics.  You’ve said that various colleges have asked that you teach.  You should suggest to them that they simply require their students to read your on line postings. I am curious as to […]

Free Press = Freedom to Comply with Government or Jail Time

QUESTION:  Martin, Concerning World Trade Center Building 7 and the missing Trillion dollars, my questions are: 1) Why has the media never discussed this, 2) What happened to the Trillion dollars, 3) Who was the President when the money went missing? Thanks for keeping us informed as to what is really happening around the world. […]

Can Countries Devalue a Currency Anymore?

QUESTION: What is ‘modern day’ currency devaluation? I have read your articles about the 1930s devaluation and I also do understand what money is (thanks to your writings). I am not sure what ‘modern day’ currency devaluation is and I was hoping you may write more about this subject. I know there is a lot […]

Ukraine Elects Petro Poroshenko with 55% of What & Why

Petro Oleksiyovych Poroshenko (born 1965) is a Ukrainian billionaire businessman  known as the ‘Chocolate King’, He is now the President-Elect of Ukraine. He was elected as President of Ukraine on 25 May 2014 with over 55% of the vote, thus winning in the first round without the need for a run-off. However, our direct sources in […]

Russia Leaks on 911 – Oops! Didn’t Think of That One!

Russia is starting to fight back with leaking the evidence that the USA has worked with terrorists and knew about 911 if not help the terrorists organize the attack. The Saudi’s have controlled the terrorists and threatened Russia that their Olympic Games would be safe only if they agreed to the Saudi terms. It was […]

Military Takes Control of Thailand

On this War Cycle, Asia is about 2 years ahead of Europe. In the Cycle of War Report I noted that the cycle for China was slightly ahead of 2014. This is being reflected in the elections in India, which was an uprising politically against corruption there as well. Thailand has been in turmoil given […]

Historic Trade Deal Russia & China – Will this Dethrone the USD?

QUESTION: My question is this: Russia and China making bilateral trade not using USD, China doing so with other countries etc. the buzz now is USD falling from grace. Yet is seems to me that as long as currencies out there are relating in any way with USD, and oil is priced in USD then […]

Interview by Jim Puplava Excerpts: FSN: Martin, you have a wide following with investors and host large conferences around the globe. What are you telling investors right now? “Well, I think the best thing to do is clearly stay in the United States right now. Get out of any emerging markets because what you are going to […]