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Is S&P Playing Dirty Games With Ratings Again?

Rating Agencies Testify Before Congress for their AAA-Ratings after 2007 S&P has issued a warning of a UK downgrade if it exits the EU. Quite frankly, we have reviewed the trade flows and this is purely politics; it is certainly not beyond the possibility that S&P is being told what to do and say, just as they […]

Cashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change

QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the wounded world? Also would we be back to Silver as the payment that the Tax man does not get? Ala Hunt brothers who bought it when Gold […]

Debt Deals & Grexit

It is all show. Now, Merkel desperately wants to bring a signed bailout deal with Greece to secure the euro. Greece managed to raise nearly €3 billion at its debt auction at 2.97% but for six-month securities. While the Greek politicians were delighted, we are talking about six-month paper. Capital is not taking a long-term view […]

Bilderberg Meeting: June 11-14 in Austria

Here are the participants for the Bilderberg meeting over the weekend in Tirol, June 11-14. Bilderberg is named after a hotel chain where the first meeting took place  May 29-31, 1954, in Netherlands. As the G7 summit of the Seven Dwarfs closes, another opens. Thursday sees the start of the influential Bilderberg policy conference, which will be held […]

Cashless Society – Tracking Gold – the Hunt for Loose Change

QUESTION: Hi Marty, if they eliminate cash – how would that affect 3rd world countries? Wouldn’t that add a huge dose of salt on that part of the wounded world? Also would we be back to Silver as the payment that the Tax man does not get? Ala Hunt brothers who bought it when Gold […]

Brussels & the Trend Toward Authoritarianism

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, I hope your well. Please could you elaborate on your post: “Consolidating all the debt in the EU” Of course you were correct and if these brain dead idiots had listened to you they would not be in this mess but surely the EU exploding with a sovereign debt crisis is […]

Gold & the Languishing Continues

The purpose of the Reversal System is to provide confirmation of a trend. In gold, the potential for a pop into June required a weekly closing above 1239. We wrote on May 15, “A weekly closing above 1239 should confirm the pop to the upside. The key resistance technically stands at 1309 area.”  We failed to close above […]

The Crash of the Bunds – Long v Short

COMMENTS: (1) Marty, are there any key downside support levels we should be paying attention to here? That call from your computer model warning us to look out below several months ago, all while the Euro Bunds were continuing to rise and setting new lows for yields, is absolutely remarkable! (2) When you said sell the […]

The Fed & Interest Rates: The Nightmare That Will Not End Nicely

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong; You have written that the Federal Reserve remains on track to raise interest rates later this year and this will accelerate the capital inflows driving the dollar higher. You previously warned that this will also set off further defaults in emerging market debt and you have also said that the pension funds […]

Municipals Squeezed Between Feds & State

In response to questions from a major U.S. city and the debt crisis, I will not mention the names for this is sensitive and highly political. I have decided to address the question, which I would normally do privately, only because a lot of municipal governments are in trouble in many countries. The same problems […]