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Will Spain be the First to Default on Pensions?

The Pension Crisis is brewing rapidly and we will begin to see this make headlines much more so around the world. There is hardly a country not in trouble (Norway the exception), where pensions are underfunded as governments have relied upon tax revenue. As the crisis in Spain brews, it will be the pension crisis […]

Remaining EU Member will have to pay 15% More upon BREXIT

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; All the news here in Britain is always how bad it will be if we leave the extortion ring in Brussels. You have mentioned that we are the biggest market for German cars. What will Brexit do to the EU? Thanks GD ANSWER: Once the British exit from the EU “extortion” ring as […]

Tax Reform & the Dow

Trump’s tax reform to cut the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20% will be a huge boost for the economy and place tremendous pressure on the rest of the world. But already we have Republicans playing games for personal careers. They want to postpone the cut for corporations until 2019 AFTER, of course, […]

Market Talk – November 8th, 2017

Although Asia closed with pretty much a mixed session, it really does not explain the mood or sentiment. Yes, the Nikkei closed lower on the day (-0.1%) but after opening lower and a brief dip thereafter, for the balance of the day the market was bid and closed just below unchanged. Major stocks driving the […]

The ECM Turning Point Here in November

QUESTION: Marty, First off, I would like to say it was truly a pleasure meeting you at the cocktail party this past weekend. Congratulations on presenting an incredible conference. It was my first time attending and I will definitely be there again next year. Furthermore, let me tell you that I was very impressed with […]

GREXIT – Will Greece be Better off or Worse?

GREXIT QUESTION: I just read an article about Grexit and the MoU that expires in the summer of 2018. Let’s assume Greece exits EU and the Euro, what would happen to Greece and it’s people? What hardships would Grexit bring to the Greek people and what could individual Greeks do to prepare themselves for these hardships? […]

Phase Transition v Plateau Move

QUESTION: Martin, I am looking forward to attending the WEC next week in Orlando. I have a question about the ECM, stock market alignment, and a phase transition. I noticed that in a blog in 2014 you noted that a phase transition is usually 52 to 59 weeks. I also noted that the U.S. stock […]

Market Talk- October 26, 2017

China saw a mixed close with Hang Seng’s fall balancing Shanghai’s gain. Talk for China however, focused on reports that China may offer a two tranche 5 and 10yr deals having been absent from the markets for a while. At a time when yields are so low one would expect rather larger deals than is […]

Nonlinear Complexity – Too Much for Most People to Comprehend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong. Good day to you Martin. I know you are a very busy man, but I still like to send you emails time to time, hoping that you may read my email and respond to me. In regards to your recent post about the theory of Non-linear intervention, I was quietly amazed […]

Europe’s Economic Death Spiral

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said when you were here in Berlin that the EU Commission is about as incompetent as the US Congress. You also said Macron is trying to federalize Europe as the solution Could you elaborate on that comment? ANSWER: The EU Commission at present is composed of 28 Commissioners, who must always ensure […]