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Is the Media Trying to Reestablish the Establishment? They say that knowledge is power. This is why the media has been engaging in outright propaganda and they hate Trump for he has been using Twitter to bypass the corrupt media. Chris Matthews actually spoke correctly on election night, although since he has said that Russia put its “finger on the scale” to […]

Greek Gov’t is 40% of GDP

QUESTION:  Hello, I do not understand what Martin say about the fact that the Greek debt doubled when it changed into euro. Indeed, if the currency is twice the value of the old one then all your debt will double as Martin said. However all your assets will double in value too. So it is […]

Trade v Banking – The Real Issue

While CNN and ABC news have turned really vicious against Trump, they are failing to report the real impact of world events that can undo everything. As we head into April/May, we are looking at a real crisis emerging that is beyond contemplation. The prospect of the breakup of the European Union because Brussels refuses […]

Should Independents Boycott Disney for Supporting ABC News that is just Leftist?

The press has really become a total disgrace. The press conference of Trump was fairly straight forward and he took questions from even some of the worst of the worst like CNN. The journalists will not stop. I watched the reviews of ABC news to see if George Stephanopoulos would be just neutral – no […]

Market Talk- February 15th, 2017

Following from the constructive message the market was hearing from the FED, the Nikkei regained the 1.05% it lost yesterday. This proved to be an impressive performance when considering Toshiba shares dropped 9% amid a potential book write-down of $6.3bn to its US nuclear unit. Hang Seng built on yesterday’s gain adding another +1.2% reaching […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2017

A little profit-taking in the Nikkei today ahead of the FED semi-annual address was to be expected but todays price fall was probably more than most expected. The Nikkei declined 1.15% in todays trading with more concerns over the alluded slowed down after Finance Minister (and deputy Prime Minister) Taro Aso remarked it may take […]

Market Talk – February 10, 2017

Asia benefited from new record highs in the US and really set the pace for the end of the week. The Nikkei was certainly the star performer adding 2.5% on the day taking the index to 19,400 with many talking the psychological 20k is next weeks target number. The JPY suffered against the USD falling […]

Eastern Europe & World War III

  Europe could become the site of a new global war in the East as tensions build there against refugees and the economic decline fosters old wounds. The EU is deeply divided over the refugee issue and thus it is fueling its own demise and has failed to be a stabilizing force. After five days of […]

Silver the Key to a Sustainable Rally in Gold

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Is silver currently showing more strength than gold, and therefore likely to move beyond gold in this phase? I’m not a technician but it looks that way to me. Thank you for all you share. M ANSWER: Yes. This is one of the critical factors that must turn to signal a real […]

Market Talk – February 1st, 2017

A nice bounce seen today for the Nikkei with a small recovery in stocks as the currency turned lower. The Nikkei closed up +0.6% with exporters benefiting from a weaker currency which assisted the rise seen for Mitsubishi Motors having revised full year guidance higher. China released PMI better than market had expected at 51.3 […]