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Rising Third Party & How It is All Connected

Back in 1997, we warned that our computer model was forecasting that by 2016, we would see a tremendous rise in third party activity. This was our forecast back then and most said what is your computer drinking over there? The blue line in this chart showed the historical 3rd party movement and how it […]

Is there Gold in Fort Knox?

Is there gold in Fort Knox? That question is completely irrelevant. Why? Will it really make a difference? The stories of no gold in the vault are just spun by people so desperate to support a gold bull market it is just crazy. I was given a tour of the NY Fed years ago and […]

VIX & Volatility Ahead

QUESTION: Do you run your model on the VIX and can you run your volatility you illustrated at the Princeton Seminar on volatility? ANSWER: Yes. It does not matter. Strangely enough if you create a index of stocks that only closed higher on Tuesday, it amazingly conforms to the 8.6 cycle, technical analysis, and volatility […]

Countertrend Reaction v Reaction

QUESTION: You seem to be the only person who distinguishes between a “countertrend reaction” and a “reaction”. Can you illustrate the difference? ANSWER: Reactions are typically 2 to 3 units of time regardless of the level be it daily up to yearly. They are part of the “trend” and normally count as part of the […]

Interest Rate & Deficits – The Real Crisis

Many academics are truly amazing. They talk in circles, assume they are far above everyone else, and thus pontificate from the Ivory Tower without ever stepping foot out the door. There is a growing  consensus that deficits no longer matter. WHY? Because they cannot explain how government has run persistent deficits yet nothing has happened. Therefore, […]

Correlations & Who Is To Blame

QUESTION: If the dollar rises, does that not mandate a gold decline or can they rally together? ANSWER: Although everything is cast in this world as some sort of direct cause and effect, that is our problem associated with linear thinking since it just does not work that way.The world is really dynamic and that […]

Back to the Future

Of course Back to the Future was the name of a very popular series of movies. But in reality, Einstein believed that the Future, Past, and Present were all simultaneous. That is a hard concept to get you brain around, but the FUTURE is indeed merely a repeat of the past – no different than […]

QUESTION: If Gold is a hedge against the Governments, and the markets are never wrong, given that its in a downtrend since 2011, can question that the Governments (especially the West) have been doing the proper things this time frame / or following an evolution path?” ANSWER: It depends on what you call “proper”. Everything […]

Gold Rise in Coin Demand – Crisis Still in Trading

The rise in gold coin demand at the Australian Perth Mint and the US Mint as well as in Canada demonstrates the underlying long-term bull market should remain intact. It is coin rather than bullion you should stick to when you are talking about physical purchases. Nevertheless, from a market perspective, the gold bounce is […]

Corzine & Futures

“Martin, I have worked in the futures market for 20 years and what a great business! Unfortunately, Corzine turned up and destroyed our “Sleepy futures operation and hell.. what do they know….. I am an ex GS CEO…”. – Let me tell you for the record, he bought Greek bonds in size in 2010!! “Mr […]