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Global Warming Agenda to Create Authoritarian Government

Back in 1996, the former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev expressed the real truth behind the Global Warming agenda. He said that using climate alarmism could advance the socialist Marxist objectives to restore the power of government. He said: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” Essentially, this was revealing what […]

Our Political Nightmare

  As we go into the elections tomorrow, this campaign has revealed the great political divide that once it has been exploited, there is no putting it back. A Democratic win in the House guarantees that this political divide will only get wider and deeper. They cannot actually pass anything without both the White House […]

How Politicians Are Creating the Worst Economic Crash in History

Politicians have totally and completely misunderstood the trends within the global economy and as a result, they are actually creating one of the worst economic debacles in history. I have explained several times that the bulk of investment capital is tied up in two primary sectors – (1) government bonds and (2) real estate. Because […]

Market Talk- October 31, 2018

A much welcomed rally the past couple of days to end the traditionally torrid month of October. A finally push today moved indices further away from their recent lows, but remain well down for this month. Optimism remains absent with Novembers planned US/China talks on trade still questionable as being included as part of the […]

Climate Change – Warming is Good – Cold is Bad

QUESTION: Do you think that a pole shift will be devastating to society? SK ANSWER: No. I think many turn such events into a looming existential threat destined to destroy us. That is probably up there with the Yellowstone Supervolcano. These treasured theories of our impending doom seem to lurk in a myth that some event […]

Merkel Has been the Face of Europe – So Get Ready!!!!

  Merkel has been the face of Europe – good, bad, or indifferent. Germany has been the major economy in Europe with France a distant second. We must understand that the fate of the Euro hinges on this position of Merkel. She has been a staunch supporter of austerity and the Green and AfD are […]

Egyptian Economist Arrested for Criticizing Government

  The Egyptian Economist, Abdel Khalik Farouk, is the author of more than 20 books on corruption in the Egyptian economy. His latest book, Is Egypt really poor?  was confiscated by Egyptian authorities last week on the day of publication. The owner of the printing house, Ibrahim El Khatib, was also arrested. Farouk has set out that the corruption […]

Roman Republic’s Debt Crisis & Led to it’s Collapse

  QUESTION: You said that Imperial Rome did not have a national debt nor central banks. Did Rome ever have debts that were not private? JY ANSWER: Yes. In all honesty, it was the Debt Crisis that ended the Roman Republic. There was a Sovereign Debt Crisis during the Roman Republic period resulted in a […]

The End of Britain with 2nd Referendum on BREXIT?

As many as 670,000 people protested in London to call for a second Brexit referendum. Our computer is showing that a second referendum will vote to remain but this is most likely because they will rig the vote. This is in conflict with our economic model which shows that BREXIT should still win. Keep in […]

New Discovery Proves History Books Were WRONG!

  I have previously written how the academics have REFUSED to revise history even when the evidence has been right in their face. I have previously written that the date for the eruption of Vesuvius could not possibly historically correct based upon a single coin that was discovered in the dig. My position based upon a […]