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WEC Orlando November 3rd & 4th

This Year’s Orlando WEC will be held November 3rd & 4th.  We will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences […]

The 2017 Year-End Report

The 2017 Year End Report is going to really be important as we enter the beginning phase of the Monetary Crisis Cycle in 2018 combined with the Pension Crisis, which is the next domino to start the process of the Sovereign Debt Defaults to come. Keep in mind that a system collapses not from the […]

Monetary Crisis & How to Trade a Vertical Market WEC 2017

This Year’s WEC in Orlando we will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences typically reflect more than $3 trillion […]

The Mifid II Directive – Changing Research Forever

  Many Institutions are turning to our services because of Mifid II. We are starting a free trial for institutions now because so many are asking for help because we cover the entire world, do not have any conflicts of interest, and all reports on trading instruments are entirely written by the computer without human […]

European Banking Crisis

Perhaps this period will be looked back upon as the Draghi Deflation. After nearly 10 years of this failed policy, the European banking industry is contracting on every possible level. The merger of Commerzbank to Merge with French BNP is one possibility. Commerzbank is a takeover candidate or shotgun wedding candidate, for good reasons. Its shares have fallen […]

Dow High or Low

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am confused with the Dow Jones Index, could the index explode up through 23,000 to 40,000 from here or does there need a downward move then explode up through 23,00 (a sling shot).  Could you tell us what you see for the next 6 to 9 months.  Probably the most important […]

Canada’s Hunt for Taxes – Trudeau’s Destruction of the Canadian Economy

The Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing his best to send Canada into the Dark Age. He is clearly a Marxist and has targeted small business which creates 70% of all employment. He said “I want to be clear,” at the Liberal party’s recent caucus gathering in Kelowna. “People who make $50,000 a year should […]

The Coming One World Currency

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I sure would appreciate any thoughts you have on rumors making the rounds that the International Monetary Fund has tipped its hand, in part via its June 2017 “Fintech and Financial Services: Initial Considerations” IMF Discussion Note, and intends to replace the US Dollar as the global reserve currency as early as […]

The Long-term Cycle of Monetary Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for all my adult life and that has exceeded 20 years by now and am shocked to say, I found your article on how things evolve GOLD-Oil-Dollar.  I must say this is a eye-opening evolution you are talking about. Has this always been the case with things […]

Trump Acts Like Businessman At Last

There is no doubt that the feud between Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress has been astonishing. Even some Republicans support trying to impeach him thinking he will be a liability in 2018. Trump is responding like a businessman and not a politician, Many of his supporters hoped for this and voted for him to drain the […]