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Does the Gov’t Seek to keep the public Blind, Deaf, and Dumb?

COMMENT: I watched the Forecaster after ordering the DVD from Amazon. Aside from the fact that it brought tears to my and my wife’s eyes, your forecasts on this year being exceptionally cold, your forecast of Brexit, Trump, the Dow and countless other things, it is not hard to see why the government wanted your […]

China Credit Rating Agency Downgrade USA

The Chinese rating agency Dagong downgraded the US creditworthiness over the tax reform. What is really a total joke is why anyone bothers to rank any government debt whatsoever when in fact there is not a single government in the world who ever intends to pay off their debt. So why does anybody rate government […]

The Euro on Yearly Models – Let the Crazy Times Roll

QUESTION: Reviewing the private blog, at the end of 2016 on December 31 you wrote “When it comes to the Euro, the Major Yearly Bearish Reversal lies at 10365 and the intraday low for 2016 was 10352 closing the year at 10513. This too warns that we may not be ready to meltdown just yet.” […]

Ukraine & the Next Revolution

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for defending the Ukrainian people in their quest to overthrow the government corruption. You are a great inspiration here in Kiev. What does your model show for the success of our revolution looking ahead? PN ANSWER:  There are many in the West who know nothing of Ukraine […]

Clinton Foundation Targeted by FBI – About Time!

What goes around, comes around. The Democrats intend to turn-up the heat on the Impeachment of Trump. That is all they have to run on in the midterm elections in November. They voted against any tax reform and simply oppose anything offered by the other side. Politics has just degenerated into the obstruction and neither […]

The Technology Advance in War will Increase Civilian Casualties

COMMENT: Marty. Hi. In your article, you stated that when the unemployment goes up, they take us to war to cut down the population. True but now its different. WW2 was a big historical change in who gets killed. WW1 and previous wars typically it was the soldiers who die. WW1 only saw about 5% > fewer civilians […]

Iran Political Clarification

COMMENT: Two things:   “He is remembered for publicly stating that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth.”   Although he is indeed remembered in the West for ‘saying’ that, the truth is that phrase was a gross mis-translation of what he did say in Farsi. Just a simple lie. I don’t think […]

China Eliminates Taxation For Foreign Companies Investing in China

China has responded to global competition that is exploding in the wake of the Trump Tax Reform. While domestic news in the USA continues to bash the tax reform on class warfare, the rest of the world is trying to come to terms with what Trump has set in motion. China’s response is to allow […]

MIFiD II Delays…

Talk amongst many traders is that they are so unsure how the new rules and regulations surrounding the implementation of MIFiD II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) are to be imposed, that some even said they were keen to extend their holidays until this mess is sorted out. In other words, until they hear that […]

Canadian Separatists

COMMENT: I think the danger for Canada is not Quebec leaving because they get 11 billion dollars a year given to them by the federal government, it is the provinces paying the bills that are more likely to leave, western Canada in general but especially Alberta which has been getting hosed. As you noted before resentment […]