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EMU Introduction

EMU Introduction May 5th, 1997   European Monetary Union 1997 is a critical year for EMU, as the economic performance in 1997 will determine which countries join EMU in January 1999. The financial markets still have not quite come to terms with all the details of EMU nor does it realize that this union is […]

United Kingdom EMU

Country Analysis United Kingdom The probability of the United Kingdom joining EMU at the start date is very high! The political shift from conservative to Labour in Britain has suddenly changed the course of the nation. The new Prime Minister, Tony Blair, will be up for the post of head of the EC in 1998. […]

What Do Central Bankers Really Look AT

QUESTION: Can you please comment on the following. I hear incessant talk about the market being supported by Bernanke.  The Fed gets the credit for the market going up.  (And when it goes down for not doing enough).    How much truth is there in this mantra?   How much is the Fed actually affecting stock prices by […]

The 1987 Crash

The 1987 Crash The 1987 Crash also became known as Black Monday referring to Monday October 19th, 1987. It was a fateful day when the US stock market crashed, creating a wave of confusion as capital and government failed to grasp the real underpinnings of currency. The 1987 Crash came precisely to the day on […]

Is there Gold in Fort Knox?

Is there gold in Fort Knox? That question is completely irrelevant. Why? Will it really make a difference? The stories of no gold in the vault are just spun by people so desperate to support a gold bull market it is just crazy. I was given a tour of the NY Fed years ago and […]

Its Global – Even The Brady Commission Revealed that in 1987

I have told the story how after objecting to the formation of G5 in 1985 warning that they would increase volatility, create a crash within 2 years (2.15 years), and destabilize the global economy, the White House responded that no one agreed with use about volatility would rise or this would lead to a crash. […]

Real Estate beats Gold as #1 Investment & Euro Yen Recap

Land Auction Great Depression The Gallup Poll is out surveying the investment sentiment of American investors. Gold has held that top slot up until now. Gold has now fallen for the first time to the second position as investors return to the old historical investment sector – real estate. Even in Europe people are starting […]


The rise in taxation is driving costs higher, yet simultaneously lowering economic growth long-term We call this STAGFLATION because you get the worst of both worlds – rising prices with lower economic growth. Germany is headed into recession and their austerity policies have created massive deflation, high unemployment, and increased the pressure to cause the […]

How Europe Fails

Ever since the ECB issued a report that claims the south was richer than the north to get out of bailing them out, the reaction behind the curtain is very interesting. The talk in the south is now to demand reparations from Germany for World War II. What goes around comes around. There cannot be […]

Inflation v Deflation – Reality Check

QUESTION: I read your metals report. This is really a great read. It is deflation that destroys empires by sucking in all assets like a black hole eats star systems. I am correct? ANSWER: Yes! The hyperinflationists only look at Germany and Zimbabwe and assume if you print enough money that is where you go. […]