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Canadian Separatists

COMMENT: I think the danger for Canada is not Quebec leaving because they get 11 billion dollars a year given to them by the federal government, it is the provinces paying the bills that are more likely to leave, western Canada in general but especially Alberta which has been getting hosed. As you noted before resentment […]

Criminal Prosecutions Are Used to Remove Opponents

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I watched the Forecaster on TV here in Scandinavia. It seems that anyone who is an opponent is criminally charged no matter what the field. FA ANSWER: You are absolutely correct. This tactic has been used actually throughout recorded history. Just read the struggles between the oligarchy and the democracy movement in […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Up here in Canada, the politicians seem to not even talk about the NAFTA agreement being changed by Trump. Has something taken place behind the curtain that they are not even worried about that issue? CB ANSWER: While playing a front row seat during the 2016 Election in the States, the truth is […]

Tax Reform – Businesses Moving to Florida & Texas ASAP

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Did Donald Trump take your Tax Reform Proposal you submitted to Congress back in the nineties? RK ANSWER: I know a lot of people have been asking that since his original corporate tax rate was 15%. What I can say is that the notion to eliminate deductions for State income tax has […]

Did US Interfere in the Russian Elections in 1999?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, It appears obvious why your film the Forecaster was banned in the USA by Netflix and others. Besides showing the corruption in the American Justice system by Judge Castel, Owen, and Kenan, and the corruption of protecting those bankers, the film exposes the plain fact that the United States interfered in the […]

Government Power & the Inversion Delusion

COMMENT: The Trump Tax Cut,… Having read your blog now for a couple years, it seems that the problem is squarely upon “why” we have or need Government. To that end, it all hinges on the relationship of Person to Government. What we have now is: People are subservient to Government. There will be no solution […]

CNN Desperate to Overthrow the US Government

  CNN, who claims to be Most Trusted Name in News™, has demonstrated that they are by no means to be trusted nor are they ever impartial. They are never reporting the news, they try so desperately to make the news. CNN, along with MSNBC and CBS, have shown the entire world that the American Mainstream Media is […]

Bitcoin To Be or Not to Be?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Despite the Bitcoin fanboys arguing that Bitcoin is untouchable by governments, would you agree that once governments, in particular, the Chinese government, make it unlawful to own Bitcoins, the additional introduction of proceeds-of-crime legislation would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to use Bitcoins to acquire assets, and dealing a permanent blow […]

Prosecutor & Media Abuse of Power

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am sure you are aware of the sudden correction to the hyped stories by ABC and CNN that a confidant of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials. Of course, they twisted that directive when Trump had […]

German Companies Demand German Tax Cuts

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is so clear you understand the basic human response that drives the economy. It is amazing why the entire world does not listen to you. Within 24 hours, German companies are demanding tax cuts to compete with the Trump tax cuts. They realize what you have been saying. The USA will […]