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Gold – To Buy or Not To Buy

Gold is still in a basing phase. The interesting thing is how some have sold this market as the single exception to everything in the world and how it can only rise. Gold is a tiny fraction within the scheme of the global economy. It really is no longer relevant for in case you haven’t […]

It’s Global Stupid!

One reader wrote: “Congratulations. Your forecast that the Dow would make new highs from the depths of 2009 has been astonishing. You have done the same each and every time since 1987. You consistently hit the ball out of the park every time. I was at your Berlin Conference. You dedicated that conference to Milton […]

The Economic Evolution

This massive leak on people who have accounts outside their country put together by 160 journalists who are most likely closet Marxists, now threatens even Russians in the Government. Putin also vowed to go after Russians who had offshore accounts in his December State of the Union Address. This hunting down of the rich […]

The Euro

The Daily Bullish in the cash Euro for today’s close are 12977 and 13134. The Weekly Bullish are 13134 and 13433. This corresponds with the top of the technical channels. The monthly levels also show the first resistance at 13140 and 13370. We also have some closing resistance technically at 12996. The Euro on the momentum […]

Why Academics Remain Hopeless

I have always been a logical thinker. The teacher got very angry when I was in 4th grade and connected the dots concluding what she said was pure nonsense. Since she could not explain herself,  the school called my father. He had to come down and plead with them not to expel me. So I […]

Euro Closed 12820

The closing for the Euro on spot at 128.20 on Friday was a serious break of support. The primary bank of support now lies at the 12100 area. This week proved to be a minor Panic Cycle taking out both the previous high and low. The turning points ahead are next week and the week […]

North Korea Declares War Against Everybody

Nobody knows what the hell to make of North Korea. Is he insane?  Do we laugh or cry? He can;t reach the USA, but he can reach Japan and South Korea. The one thing talked about behind the curtain is simple. War would be generally conventional. The nuks are there as a backup. If Russia […]

Question – Gold & Interest Rates

1. You have been pretty consistent in your position that gold is yet another commodity with business cycles affecting it as much as corn or copper and therefore a gold standard would never work. But wouldn’t you agree that at the least a gold standard would serve as a speed bump on government’s constant expansion […]

Marxism & Gold Standard Are Same

Youth & the Third Party

Part of the reason why the Business Cycle moves in great lengths of 51.6 years is also generational. Attitudes change with time. When the Puritans fled to America after really being chased out of England as fanatics not much different that the Muslims we label terrorists today, they brought to America prejudice, bias, and the […]