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The Treasure Fleet that Sunk & Set in Motion the Decline of Spain

There is little doubt that Spain was once the Financial Capital of the West. Their discovery of America produced mountains of gold and silver to the point that they really impacted the European economy creating significant waves of inflation. However, there was the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) which was why the famous Spanish […]

Deodand – Civil Asset Forfeiture Violate Every Principle of Human Rights & Civilization

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As a Canuck, I was shocked to come to realize that our Canadian government is confiscating the property of innocent people following the same practice in Washington. How can they justify this? Read the Canadian Justice Review Board. FG ANSWER:  Yes, politicians do seem to get ideas from each other. The US had […]

Has Omarosa Manigault Newman Proves She is Unemployable?

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman said that she and others used #TFA in text messages, a reference to the 25th Amendment, when President Donald Trump did something “insane” or “so crazy.” In all honesty, she never before mentioned the 25th Amendment until the Op_Ed. She is an endless promoter and certainly, after this escapade, […]

Clinging to Old Theories of Inflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to understand your view of inflation. It is very complex. I think some people cannot think beyond a simple one dimension concept as you often say. So I am trying to be more dynamic in my thinking process. Here you point out that when debt is collateral […]

Who is the Fool? Trump or Woodward?

According to CNBC, Bob Woodward reported that Trump told Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs/director of the National Economic Council to just print more money to reduce the national debt. Woodward reports this discussion:   Trump: “Just run the presses—print money.” Cohn: “You don’t get to do it that way. We have huge deficits and they […]

Without Investigation We Do Not Even Know the Right Questions to be Answered

QUESTION: I noticed your chart on the third party activity. Do you find that it does not matter what data series you are looking at the patterns are always the same? Thank you for your brilliant education WH ANSWER: That is an absolutely correct statement. What you are looking at be it politics or markets, […]

Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium   Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425AD) Manuel II Palaeologus (1391-1425AD)  ruled what was left of the Byzantine Empire as it was entering its final phase near the closing decade of the 14th century. The Byzantine empire was a dying state. Upon the formal coronation of Manuel II in 1392, the downfall of […]

Constantine XI Dragases Palaeologus (1448-1453AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium Constantine XI 1448-1453AD Constantine XI Dragases Palaeologus (b: 1405; 1448 – 1453)  was the son of Manuel II and the last Emperor of the Byzantine Empire. He ruled Constantinople and died in battle at the fall of Constantinople in 1453. He previously was serving as regent for his brother John VIII […]

Nicephorus II Phocas (963 – 969AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium   NICEPHORUS II PHOCAS (963-969AD) Nicephorus II Phocas (born c. 912; 963 – 969AD) was a brilliant military strategist which contributed to the resurgence of the Byzantine Empire during the 10th century but lost Sicily to the Muslims and most of Italy following the incursions of Otto I. He did retake the […]

Alexius I Comnenos (c. 1048; 1081 – 1118AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium   ALEXIUS I 1081-1118 Alexius I Comnenos (c. 1048; 1081 – 1118AD) was Byzantine emperor from 1081 to 1118 yet he inherited a collapsing empire. Byzantium faced constant warfare against Seljuq Turks in Asia Minor and the French in the western Balkans.  Alexius also faced the collapsed on the monetary system. […]