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World Economic Conference 2015

  We will no longer accept reservations at this time for seating. Our maximum capacity is 500 in the USA and we have well exceeded that number in total. Depending on the venue for Europe and how many people attend that event rather than the one in the USA, then we will know how many […]

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you giving a seminar back in the early nineties and you showed a chart of the rise and fall of civilizations with the energy output of the sun long before there was this insistence on global warming. Do you have that chart still? REPLY: Here it is. It was redone in […]

IMF Advises Switzerland to Devalue the Franc

The IMF has now recommended that Switzerland should DEVALUE the franc by increasing its money supply. This is advice from the IMF run by a lawyer who clearly knows what she is doing because she worked in Chicago close the futures exchange at least. I suppose walking by the CME on your way to work […]

Capital Flows Are Obviously Not Understood By Many

The capital flows have already shifted. It is amazing that people remain trapped in their little world of nominal terms. One comment “The US economy has clearly stalled, while the $DAX and the $SSEC have broken out. This is interesting because I know you were expecting a huge capital shift FROM Asia and Europe, but […]

NY Times July 12th, 1998

The New York Times July 12, 1998 A Great Big Bounce for Bucks & Bonds by Gretchen Morgenson Market Watch, Front Page Section Like a beach ball held under water and then released, the dollar popped up again last week. The dollar index, a measure of the value of the Unted States currency against 10 […]

COMPLEXITY – Key to Reality

COMMENT: Marty, you called for a pop in the Euro and I then see a slight pop in gold and decline in the Dow. Everything really is connected. Thank you so much for opening my eyes. REPLY: Yes. You are seeing the world for what it really is. Everything is connected and nothing moves in […]

Markets in Review

The reaction rally in the markets appears to be unfolding on schedule. From the broader perspective, a corrective process in equities will send the residual cash into bonds and this may help create the final bubble top in interest rate markets. This should materialize with a correction in the dollar and that pop in the […]

Interest Rates – Dollars – October

Some have asked will the dollar has previously fallen with higher interest rates so why will the opposite unfold now? The answer to that question is rather important to grasp – YES and NO. Sometimes YES and sometimes higher interest rates reflects a weak currency but NO for higher interest can reflect also a strong […]

Where to Hide – Public v Private

QUESTION: There’s a point I’ve been trying to understand and every time that I read your writings I’m staying more and more confused: How it will be possible with the deflation that already affects several countries, with the bubble burst the bonds, with the financial economic chaos that will destroy several companies, bankruptcy of business, […]

Surviving Your Own Trading Decisions – You Can Be Your Worst Enemy

  One of the biggest reasons people will lose money trading is they are too biased and it becomes a struggle against a particular market. Be it gold and fighting against the downtrend or something like the DAX and fighting against a rally. Whenever you are on the opposite side of a trend, you are […]