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At Last – Clinton Foundation Gets Investigated

What goes around, comes around. The Washington Post has reported that the Department of Justice has instructed the US Attorney’s Office to investigate the controversial sale of a uranium group to Russia during the presidency of Barack Obama and the role of the Clinton Foundation. The Obama administration approved the deal in 2010 giving Moscow control […]

The Syrian War

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I greatly appreciate everything you do. I was moved when you ended your WEC in Orlando explaining that you see this as we are all in this together. You really make an effort to pass along sound advice without strings attached to solicit money. A very admirable effort I wish others would […]

They Now Want to Criminally Charge Le Pen to Remove Her from Politics

To assist the European Parliament, the French National Assembly has lifted the immunity of the head of the National Front, Marine Le Pen. The Paris parliamentary administration claims it is simply responding to a request of the judiciary, which under French law, prosecutes crimes. The trumped-up charges against Le Pen stem for publishing on Twitter the […]

Iraq & Hunt for Taxes from American Contractors

Iraq has been accused of employing strong-arm tactics to make American military contractors operating in Iraq to pay exorbitant income taxes. They are running to Trump complaining that this is hampering the fight against Islamic State extremists – of course. The Iraq government is demanding millions of dollars in taxes that these contractors earn providing […]

Tax Reform & the Dow

Trump’s tax reform to cut the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20% will be a huge boost for the economy and place tremendous pressure on the rest of the world. But already we have Republicans playing games for personal careers. They want to postpone the cut for corporations until 2019 AFTER, of course, […]

Market Talk – November 8th, 2017

Although Asia closed with pretty much a mixed session, it really does not explain the mood or sentiment. Yes, the Nikkei closed lower on the day (-0.1%) but after opening lower and a brief dip thereafter, for the balance of the day the market was bid and closed just below unchanged. Major stocks driving the […]

The Coming Censorhip

The entire nonsense that the political election was “influenced” by Russia propagated by Hillary who paid for the dossier that started this whole mess. The clandestine firm that created the false dossier on Trump is refused to cooperate with Congress. Now because of all this i9nsinuation about “influence” by Russians, Google stated that it is […]

Hillary What Happened – She Rigged the Democratic Party

Donna Brazile’s new memoir, Hacks, has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a corrupt manipulative politician. Brazile is the former Democratic party leader.  Behind the curtain, she is known as a foul-mouth boldface liar.  Now Brazile’s book,  reveals that Clinton took control of the party long before deciding who would be the Democrat […]

Market Talk – November 6th, 2017

Not that much to get excited about in Asian markets today, but with not much fresh news to go-on indices closed mixed. The Nikkei opened better after their long weekend but with other regional markets drifting weaker, the index did well just to close in the positive. Bank of Japan minutes released relatively smoothly with […]

Alimony Deduction May Vanish

The Trump Tax Reform is in part inspired by the Flat Tax idea of lowering the rate and eliminating deductions. Alimony, or spousal support, is often part of divorce agreements when there’s a big discrepancy in earnings between the two parties and the marriage has endured for more than just a few years. The idea […]