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Hayek, Friedrich August von

Friedrich August von Hayek (1899–1992) Friedrich August von Hayek was an Austrian economist. Came to Britain in 1931, teaching at the London School of Economics until 1950. Moved to the University of Chicago, becoming Professor of Social and Moral Science. Currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Freiburg in Germany. In 1974, he won the […]

Burns, Arthur

Arthur Burns (1904-1987) Arthur Burns was an Australian-born American economist. Taught at Rutgers University and Columbia. In 1950, he became President of the American Economic Association has built a considerable reputation for his work on business cycles. He chaired the Council of Economic Advisers under Eisenhower and later advised Nixon in his 1960 and 1968 […]

UK Raised Taxes on Families

UK attacks family benefits in taxation is starting to really impact the economy. The full broad effect of this tax hike is contributing to the economic decline in Britain. Giving benefits and then taking them back only increases the cost of administering taxation. This fails to reduce the cost of government and only amounts to […]

More Gold Questions

Question: I understand that inflation is really the reduction in purchasing power of the $. Can you expand on your statement “Our computer is bullish long-term because gold will play catch up as all commodities tend to do. It will blast off like a rocket ONLY when everything is set.” Specifically, “when everything is SET”.  What does […]

Interesting Questions for Gold

Question: Yet, in the meantime, should inflation surface, say in the latter part of the decade, (before a total collapse), wouldn’t gold be the place to be?  Or perhaps I should phrase the question “will inflation precede a total collapse?” Inflation is typically defined as the rise in prices of goods and services. This is […]

The Jobless Recovery

I have received a lot of inquiries about the jobless recovery. Some questions ranging from what is going on to others asking advice to give children for a career. The economy is evolving like a child. People do not understand the evolutionary process nor does government. The economy is never stagnant albeit unions have tried […]

Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 – What About The Rest of Us?

I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. We began with the Greek Debt Crisis precisely to the day on the Pi Target from […]

Gold – What Now

Gold closed on Friday at 1574.8. The major support is highlighted by the Monthly Bearish Reversals at 15470, 15410, and 15320. This is the critical support and a monthly closing beneath these three reversals will confirm we should retest the 1160 area. A minor Monthly Bullish stands at 17580. The next two Weekly Bearish Reversals are […]

Gold – Silver – Hyperinflation

It is vital to understand that what we face is by no means the plain vanilla version of governments just printing into hyperinflation. These people are fighting back as is ALWAYS the case with core and major economies. The German hyperinflation took place AFTER a revolution with a unstable government that lacked credit. When there […]

The World is Going Nuts & Gold May Not Help

The French Socialist MP Yann Galut, the deputy chairman of the new Commission on Tax Exile, told the press he intended to target French who have left the country and go after their assets regardless where they live. In a book I hope to have finished this year, I have covered the collapse of every […]