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Real Estate – Leverage – Transition to the Reset

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the daily blogs on world events with an independent analysis that makes sense. I find them better than investment bank reports that just make up the pages. Could you please elaborate on what happens to properties when the monetary reset comes? If people lose confidence in fiat money […]

Cheney & Rumsfeld the Machiavellian Puppet Masters Behind the Iraq War

  There is so much behind the scenes to the creation of a false narrative to wage war in Iraq it is no joke. The story laid out by James Bamford offers another slice of the war story that was sold to the world. Those behind this sales-pitch will never be prosecuted because they are above the law […]

Market Talk- August 14, 2018

It was good to see a healthy 2.28% bounce in the Nikkei today, especially after yesterdays 2% decline. Unfortunately, some of this was at the expense of the currency as the Yen lost 0.5% back to a 111 handle. The currency drop helped exporters recover some of yesterdays losses, but there is still plenty of […]

Precious Metals were Worth Less than the Coinage

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I do not understand your statement that even when coins were silver and gold, they were still a form of fiat money. Could you explain that please? BB ANSWER: The evidence that supports that statement is abundant. We find coins of the immediate financial capital be it Greece or Rome, were IMITATED […]

Market Talk- August 13, 2018

Asia suffered from the Friday hangover with most core indices falling over -1.5%. All eyes and ears continued to focus on Turkey again today and especially seeing the Lira opened with a 7 handle. It has been scrambling to recover opening losses and did manage a 6.45 print early European trading, but has been struggling […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dollar Rally

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dollar Rally An Overview of Currencies, Gold & Bitcoin Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Cryptocurrency – Private v Public

QUESTION: Dear Marty: I have been reading you for over a decade. I notice a change in your attitude towards Bitcoin/Crypto. Initially, you were completely against it, now you seem to be neutral. Has something changed? We now have Futures, CBOE is coming out with an ETF, every major bank is thinking of entering the space. […]

The Shortage of US Dollars

What people have to understand is that the Federal Reserve is moving in the opposite direction with respect to its monetary base. The Adjusted Monetary Base is the sum of currency (including coin) in circulation outside Federal Reserve Banks and the U.S. Treasury, plus deposits held by depository institutions at Federal Reserve Banks. These data are […]

Are Cryptocurrencies A Fictional Dream?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong; I suppose we have to learn the hard way. Our electronic currency system crashed here in Zimbabwe. Many people were using it because of the old hyperinflation. The argument that private money would be better than government made a lot of sense here given the history. Most people were using US […]

Turkey & The Only Solution is to Overthrow Erdogan

The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s economic policy is a disaster. This is reflected by his plea for Turkish citizens to search under their mattress for foreign banknotes and gold to convert into domestic currency. It has been his economic policies and dictatorship that is driving Turkey into an economic collapse. Of course, the only […]