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Fracking Causes Earthquakes?

The preliminary evidence that continues to come in implies that fracking is causing earthquakes. I reported on this after some first hand investigation with people directly effected. Now, Reuters is reporting that the same trends in Pennsylvania appear to be showing up in Oklahoma. A study seems to be underway. This could have an impact […]

Expect Riots & Rise of Nationalism After 2015.75 To Pick Up Steam

Politicians are preparing for the worse everywhere you look. We forget so quickly that the American Revolution slogan was what – No Taxation Without Representation. Germany will not allow democratic referendums precisely the same move of King George III that set off the American Revolution, Homeland Security bought 2715 tanks for domestic use and enough […]

Saudi Arabia – Behind the Veil

It is becoming more apparent to the world that indeed it was Saudi Arabia behind the Syria event and now they are pissed-off at the US for not invading so they get their pipeline. Oil has been used as a political weapon, but as the US is emerging as energy self-sufficient, the power the Saudi’s […]

John Kerry Admits Some NSA spying went Too Far

John Kerry admits that some NSA spying went TOO FAR as reported by the BBC. Kerry said he will work with Obama to “prevent” further inappropriate acts by the NSA. But what is also emerging in Asia is a rising protest that this has been a joint effort assisted by Australia and in Europe Britain. What […]

Eike Batista’s OGX Files Bankruptcy – End of a Commodity Boom?

The famous Brazilian tycoon Eike Batista’s flagship company has filed for bankruptcy protection. Batista’s oil and gas explorer OGX applied bankruptcy protection (“judicial recovery” in Brazil) after debt restructuring talks collapsed. The debt is about $3.6 billion in bonds out of a total $5.1 billion distressed debts at the company. This marks the end of Commodity boom. […]

Why Professional Politicians Are Dangerous

The United States was originally established with part-time politicians. Once they turned it into a full-time job, they get bored and write laws just to have something to do. Where Utah made it a crime to order a drink BEFORE you order dinner I suppose because some politicians must have gotten so drunk he forgot […]

The Safe Harbors in a Economic Storm

The three main countries where capital has been hiding not for taxes, but for sheer safety are Switzerland, Singapore, and Dubai. Yes, the Arab Spring has turned up political unrest and uncertainty in the Middle East. Turmoil has hit Egypt, Libya, and Syria just to mention a few. Throughout the region people are looking for […]

Thank You Dodd Frank for Currency Controls

Thank you so much for your protection Dodd Frank – you are so thoughtful. As of October 28th, 2013, you cannot wire money out of the USA any more. God forbid, there may be some terrorist with a camel pretending to be your aunt Sadie who will intercept that wire and blow up some ladies […]

Lower the Liquidity = Greater the Volatility

The hike in VAT to 19% targeting collectors that will apply to silver coins is a bit convoluted yet, but so far it appears that buyer’s purchasing from German auctions and living in Germany will have to pay that tax. There is a lot of negotiating still going on at moment so we’ll see once […]

Gold Coins – Worth Holding?

QUESTION: Martin, I enjoy reading your blog and thank you for sharing all your knowledge. I have a simple question. For someone who is not a trader, who has a net worth of $5m+, no debt and plenty of long-term income from oil royalties, does it not make sense to hold 10-15% of my liquid net worth […]