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Choosing the Fed Chairman

Many expect Mr. Jerome H. Powell to be President Trump pick for Fed Chairman. Trump is resisting pressure by conservatives to make a larger change at the Fed. Many conservatives, including Vice President Mike Pence, preferred John B. Taylor, who is an economist at Stanford and an outspoken critic of the Fed’s monetary policy. Taylor previously […]

Towns Resorting to Extortion of Drivers to Raise Money

  I have written about the abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture laws in the United States, which have mimicked now in Europe. Police are no longer used to protect society, but to target and harass society to raise money for the politicians. It is a shame that Trump has never been pulled over by the police. He […]

Political Prosecutions in Full Swing

Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, was indicted on charges of money laundering and conspiracy against the United States. This is a very serious step yet in a special counsel investigation into Russian links with Trump’s 2016 White House campaign. The real issue is not justice – there is no such […]

Market Talk- October 30th, 2017

‘ The Shanghai core index traded heavy in todays trading as concerns over the amount of IPO potentially coming to market start to take their toll. Shanghai closed down -0.8% with the Hang Seng losing -0.3%. One of the key topics discussed today was HSBC’s $4.6bn earnings figure. Better than previous but shares closed around […]

Catalonia (Catalunya) – Legal or not Legal

There are many who write in from Spain supporting Madrid against Catalonia. The core of their argument is that the call this movement an independent “socialistic movement” and they argue it is not at all but democratic. “There’s indeed a strong independence feel in Catalunya, they have been like this for centuries although they never really […]

CIA & FBI Still Stalling on JFK Documents – Why?

The CIA and FBI have had 50 years to go over these documents. Nevertheless, they waited to the last day to object. That tactic was deliberate to push Trump into a corner. He gave them six months to review. Many of the documents listed as “classified” are not even legible, raising more concerns that these […]

New Zealand to Foreigners – Get Out!

The New Zealand Prime Minister that took the country back into Marxism, has fired its first shot across the bow.  The Labour party have formally signed a coalition agreement, introducing all new policies focusing on climate change, regional development, and poverty which translates into hunting the hated rich. Thirty-seven-year-old Jacinda Ardern, a member of the New […]

Hillary’s What Happened – She Lost & It Was Her Fault!

Hillary is running around pitching her book – What Happened. Of course, we all know the answer – she lost. The problem is that she takes no blame for that and like a fool who buys the market at the top, they come up with conspiracy theories to blame everyone else for their failed investment. […]

ABC & Fake News

ABC News has indeed violated the principles of a Free Press and is the example why the old Fairness Doctrine should be restored. ABC News has come out and wrote: “Every American president has sparred with the press and fought back against stories unflattering or unfair. But no sitting president has in decades suggested media organizations […]

The GDP Decline Post-2015.75

The economic decline that we are now in moving into about 2036, is significantly different than pre-2015.75. The confidence shifted and 2015.75 was the peak in confidence in government. This is the rising discontent which produced Trump, BREXIT, and the rising separatist movements around the globe. The old way of running the economy is what […]