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Sales of US Treasury Bonds Continue to Try to Stem Dollar Rise

China continues to sell US Treasury bonds trying to keep the dollar down to aid the Federal Reserve. Saudi Arabia, however, has been in a different position having to liquidate US Treasury holdings for they are is a serious financial crisis. September shows a modest sale of $46 billion dollars. Private investors sales were $7.9 […]

Market Talk – November 18, 2016

Japan appears to be in a world of its own this week as not one day has it followed the rest of Asia. Yesterdays meeting between Prime Minister Abe and Trump has failed to produce headlines but I would not rule that out for the weekend though! On the week the Nikkei has gained over […]

Market Talk – November 17, 2016

We hardly saw any excitement overnight other than the fact that the BOJ bought some 10yr JGB’s to keep yield around zero. This obviously has a detrimental affect on the currency and in late trading we see JPY trading close to 110. As a consequence of the weaker currency financial stocks traded heavy whilst the […]

The Collapse of Socialism/Marxism

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your conference was exactly as you have said. A fantastic networking event. It was like a college reunion of like minded people coming together from around the world. At the cocktail party, you said 2015 was simply the 26 year “differential peak” in western governments. I didn’t get a chance to ask […]

Market Talk – November 15th, 2016

Despite a better than expected GDP in Japan (almost double expectations) yesterday failed to inspire much of a follow through today. That was the case until the cash market closed and it was only then that the Yen took a turn for the worse. In late US trading the Yen broke into the 109 handle […]

Democrats Refuse to Work For the Country

Change is the engine of advancement. We cannot advance without it and we never advance without first making a mistake. Today, I have never seen in politics reach such a low level. Most Democrats on Capitol Hill are showing how un-American they really are with this display of open hostility, resentment, and plain old being […]

Market Talk – November 10, 2016

One of the largest one day gains seen in the Nikkei with a rally of almost 7% on the day. Upon the open almost no trades were seen until the index was over 5% higher, comfortably taking out the 17k level again. However, the flip-side of this move was the JPY which traded from 101 […]

Market Talk – November 8, 2016

Today was always going to be about the election with all markets anxiously awaiting any headline. In China we saw a smaller than expected Trade number but really was nothing to write home about. Also, we heard that foreign exchange reserves fell by $45.7bln to $3.121 trillion which was one of the largest declines this […]

Market Talk – November 4, 2016

As Japan was on holidays Thursday it was today that the Nikkei cash market caught up with yesterdays futures decline. With the market still nervous surrounding the FBI’s investigations ahead of the US elections, coupled with todays release of the Non-Farms Payrolls prices were hit closing down 1.4% on the day way before numbers were […]

Market Talk – November 3rd, 2016

Strong economic data in China (PMI released at 52.4) supported an encouraging rally for the Shanghai after recent regional losses. The index ,managed a 0.85% rally just as Hong Kong’s Hang Seng large cap’s took a hit (-0.6%). The Nikkei was closed today for Culture Day national holidays. The Yen, however, was trading and continued […]