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Russia & Its Development

  COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, With all respect to you and enlightenment you share with us, I would like to share some with you on Russ tribe, its origin, and its connection to Ukraine vs Russia. This topic is essential for it explains the legacy of Russ tribe and who can have a claim about it. […]

China to Support Syria Along with Russia Against USA

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You said that China would eventually send troops to the Middle East and join with Russia in Syria. China just openly told that to the newspapers. Your contacts behind the curtain are quite amazing. BH  REPLY: Qi Qianjin was appointed the ambassador to Syria back in 2016. You are correct, on August 1st, 2018, […]

The IMF’s SDR & Monetary Reform – Another Crazy Idea?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader of your blog and a big fan of the tools that you have developed for investors. Thanks for all that you do and I wanted to reach out and ask about your opinion of the thesis that ——-  outlines for the IMF implementing SDRs as world money […]

The Great Alignment on Schedule

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I’ve been revisiting your notes over and over, and it seems that the potential for a False Move is finally in the making, both in the Dow, Gold, Dollar, etc. You gave 2018 and 2020 as the key turning points for this to unfold, for the trading trap to suck people in, before […]

Until We Understand the Real Wealth of a Nation Progress Cannot be Achieved When We Try to Eliminate the Business Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Do you have any comment on the latest excuse for the decline in gold is because Trump is forcing it down so he can buy it up and move to gold-backed bonds like Nevada? This is the latest coming from the fringe which just seems so unrealistic any more. I am not […]

Our Journey Through Life

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you quote from time to time. I know you have done a massive amount of research on your own. I was wondering about some of the unknown people in your […]

Why CONFIDENCE is the Backbone of the New Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your recent article on inflation and contagions fascinating. Am I correct in summing it up that today because currencies are not commodity based, they rise and fall on anticipation of political events whereas under precious metals contagions took place by one country debasing compared to another? Thank you for your […]

Market Talk- July 17, 2018

Japan was the only one of the core to distance itself form all others and close positive (+0.45%) on the day. That is probably because the Yen lost ground and seems to have finally broken that correlation play for now. Declining energy prices was the main talking point for Asia, but that started late last […]

Documenting History with Coins & How they Prove What We Were Taught is Not Always Correct

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have been researching facts about history and there is strong evidence that what we were taught in school doesn’t fit with the reality. As you have a very vast coin collection, which is part of your research, how can you be sure of the timeline about those coins? I remember from your […]

Herod Agrippa I (41-44AD)

Herod Agrippa I (born 11BC; ruled 41 – 44 AD) after Jesus was crucified. Agrippa I was the last King of Judea with the royal title reigning over Judea. He was also the father of Herod Agrippa II, who was the last King from the Herodian dynasty. Herod Agrippa I  was the grandson of Herod […]