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Capital Flow & Domestic v International Perspectives

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I listened to the interview you did with Financial Sense and you said something that struck me as odd. I think you said that the devaluation and failure of the Euro will drive capital to the US. Fair enough, sounds right to me. I think you then said that the Fed’s response would […]

Failing to Understand Currency Is Highly Destructive

  Foreign Exchange has been a critical component that those in government fail to comprehend. What has taken place in Europe is reflected in the total incompetence of those in government to grasp the nature of the world economy in which we live. They have never understood what the floating exchange rate system altered and […]

So What’s Up With the DAX?

  Previously I have warned that the DAX would press higher as the object of capital flight within Europe. The problem we are facing is that the DAX could peak-out with this ECM turning point. If this were to unfold with a high in the DAX to the day of the ECM, this will be […]

Greece the Distraction for France

While Greece captures the headlines, quietly behind the curtain the European Commission has granted France until 2017 to bring its budget deficit below the EU limit of 3% of GDP. So while everyone has their eye on Greece, Europe’s second largest economy has one of the highest social welfare bills and even less of a […]

Yanis Warns Germany to Respect Greece’s Sovereignty

The new Marxist Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has warned Germany to respect his nation’s sovereignty as proposed bailout reforms go in front of the parliament in Berlin. In this respect, he is absolutely correct. But this is the problem of the faulty design for the Euro from day-one. To create a single currency that […]

Brussels Altering History to Train Children to Accept EU Integration

One of the most basic means of propaganda any government engages in has been to rewrite history. It has been probably the most dishonest and unethical manipulations of society that has often led to war. The EU is now manipulating children by altering history to reflect a United States of Europe by ignoring the historical […]

The Curiosity of a Number

A lot of questions have come about the prophecy of Saint Malachy (1094 – 1148). Whether or not this is valid or made up when it was published in 1580 and attributed to him I do not know. My curiosity emerged from the number for the last Pope – 112. I stated that I discovered the ECM […]

Ratio Analysis & the Other Side of 2015.75

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I find your unbiased view of gold refreshing. I agree waiting for 35 years is a tad too long. That is half your life if not more waiting for the chance you will be right. Now they are pointing to the Dow/Gold ratio arguing the Dow must crash to 10,000. This honestly […]

G20 Leaders Plead with Fed Not to Raise Rates

  The degree of crisis that we are now moving into is just off the charts. The G20 finance ministers have urged the Federal Reserve to “minimize negative spillovers” from potential interest-rate increases. With the collapse of the Swiss/Euro Peg, they have been stunned into the realization of cross-currency borrowing. For decades, bankers have been […]

CONFIDENCE – Always the Key to the Crash & Burn

The crisis in the Euro is leading to an extreme bubble in government bonds as central banks move to this crazy idea of negative interest rates. The attack on Denmark to abandon the peg to the Euro continues. Now we are seeing even Sweden is cutting its rates below zero. These central banks have no […]