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Market Talk – May 15, 2017

It was only Japan that halted the chances of a positive clean sweep in Asia today for core markets, after the Nikkei closed -0.07%. The index, however, did manage to recover from opening losses after it feared markets may suffer following the weekends global cyber-attack and the additional missile test. A similar picture was seen […]

The Coming Central Bank Crisis

  I have warned that whenever a government creates a solution to any crisis, that solution becomes the next crisis. This is what I have called the Paradox of Solution.The unfolding of the exit of the central banks from the Quantitative Easing monetary policy will become a much more serious threat to the financial markets than […]

The Dollar Remains King

QUESTION:  Hi, I’ve read your blog for a couple of months now and it clearly opened my eyes. But I’m wondering if I’m getting crazy now.. I can see a pattern between rising Chinese yields (despite weaker growth), parked Chinese money in the Canadian & Australian housing bubble, plunging commodities (very bad for Australian and […]

The French Elections – What Now?

Macron won about 65% to Le Pen 35%. Even Obama came out in support of Macron which obviously confirms Macron is the supporter of the establishment – not change. The bias of the global press is clear in their labels. They label Emmanuel Macron as the “independent centrist” and Marine Le Pen as the “far-right” as […]

The Euro & French Elections

QUESTION: Martin You said the turning point will be on Monday May 8th. Could it be in connection with the result of the french election on May 7th? If it is Macron, the turning point will be up. If it is Le Pen, it will be down. Or? Thanks. Regards.   ANSWER: The French media is portraying […]

The Dow Jones for the Close of April 2017

QUESTION:  Mr.Armstong in the past you talked of a down trun in the market in May.Since Trums TAX you have gave the impression everything is ok till 2018 is that correct? THANK YOU SM ANSWER: There has not appeared to be a condition where one would warn of a crash in the stock market. The […]

The Fate of the Euro

QUESTION: The bounce in the Euro is a fool’s’ game? ANSWER: Absolutely. The Euro is doomed because especially if Le Pen loses, Brussels will be relieved and proceed as usual. The same problems will merely exist and no reform will come forward to save the day. A good wind will blow over the European banking […]

If US Election Were Held today – Trump Would Get More Votes Polls Show

The latest polls show that most people who voted for Trump are satisfied. When the same questions have been asking about Hillary, the opposite response appears. The polls are actually showing that Trump would win a greater margin today than last year. This is interesting for it is confirming the collapse in government with Big […]

French Election – No Surprise – Or Is There?

Our computer had correctly projected that Le Pen would defeat the mainstream party Socialists. Indeed, Hollende did not even run he was so unpopular. The result of this election is really now a wildcard. For the most important aspect worth underlining in BOLD is the striking fact that this is the first time in modern […]

If You Can’t Reform – Just Blow The Budget Completely Apart

You really have to wonder how politicians ever come to these ideas that they have a right to discriminate and suppress anyone based solely upon what material things they possess. In France, the left is running to take 90% from the rich and hand it to everyone else. Why should they continue to invest, take […]