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Market Talk- October 16th, 2017

The big event this week will be China which commences its 19th National Congress of the Communist Party on Wednesday. It is little surprise that the Shanghai stock market gave up early gains to close a fraction weaker. The initial rally was based on the expected strong CPI release (+1.6%), but was overshadowed by the […]

The Coming One-World Currency

QUESTION: Bitcoin + Cryptocurrencies Firstly, thank you – I’ve learned more from your blog and models that high-school would ever have hoped to teach me. And even after a year, I am a still at the start-line of knowledge. I am also been a follower and investor/gambler on crypto for over a year.   I […]

Rocketman May Have Destabilized the Ground in North Korea

Sources in South Korea are reporting that there was another earthquake in North Korea of a 2.7 magnitude near the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. This was the fourth earthquake to hit the region since the last underground nuclear test on September 3rd, 2017. The first earthquake was a 6.3 magnitude. The last North Korea test was a hydrogen […]

Market Talk- October 13th, 2017

Today we saw Bitcoin (BTC) close and break through the 5000-dollar mark for the first time –BTC recovered fast from the recent downturn to 2800 level found mid-September, the issue I have is what is the long-term prospects with such a cryptocurrency. The questions we must ask is will Governments allow such a currency without […]

Fake v Real News – A Turf Battle

Donald Trump launched his Real News to combat the Fake News. Interesting turf battle. What I can say is that many people in Florida are very upset with CNN and their whole coverage. The frightened people so much that they were paying $7,000 for a flight out of town. There was no 15-foot wall of […]

Bill & Hillary No Longer Talk?

Edward Klein, the former foreign editor of Newsweek and former editor of The New York Times Magazine, has written several books about the Clintons and Kennedys. Klein has now come out with All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump. An exposé on Hillary revealing the truth behind the facade. The fact that Hillary has really been a lesbian is why […]

Democrats & Their State of Denial

QUESTION: Do you see any validity to the Democrats crying Russia stole the election from Hillary? ANSWER: No. People quickly forget that the polls at the time showed that the MAJORITY of Americans who had actually cast their votes early were worried about the direction of the country. They also responded that they wanted a […]

Democrats Collapsing with Socialism?

QUESTION: Marty; I just read Time Magazine that said the Democrats are in the worse shape since 1929. I understand you take no personal credit for all of these amazing forecasts you provide on so many topics. You have clearly shown that the world is connected and the global trend is identifiable. Can your computer […]

ECB v the Federal Reserve – Different Animals Altogether

QUESTION: Do you really think Trump would let the Central Banks Default? He said we would write off PoteRicos debt maybe he plans to write everything off can he do that? If this really did happen wouldn’t the dollar be worthless? S ANSWER: It seems as though far too many people ASSUME that all central […]

Marxism/Socialism Is On the Decline

  I have warned that we are in a period where SOCIALISM is collapsing – not CAPITALISM. The distinction is manifest in rising retirement ages, reduction in social benefits, and rising taxation. This is also evident in politics. The Democrats really have no face to put forward as their leader. Hillary lost and even Elizabeth […]