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74% of all Municipals want to raise Taxes – Hello DEFLATION!

Municipal governments are going broke everywhere. This entire structure of government would never have been designed even by a moron. In Germany. a survey of 300 municipalities shows that 74% are planning to raise taxes. Now 27% plan to increase their cemetery fees, 25% want to demand more money for attending daycare or day schools. […]

A Market Recap

  The Markets are being bombarded from every direction fundamentally. The confusion is rising and so will the volatility. The euro is gradually declining, the stock market keeps holding, gold really cannot get out of its own way, and the 10 year rates remain low even in Germany. Capital is confused every which way from […]

EU Commission Destroying Everything it can Touch – The Reverse Midas Touch

Ireland’s Finance Minister Michael Noonan has been desperately trying to meet the strict brain-dead requirements of the troika of the European Commission. These are lawyers who are trying to firm up their own jobs by thinking to maintain confidence in the Euro, they have to embrace austerity. The ECB President Draghi is so out of […]

Goldman Sachs & JP Morgan Accused of Manipulating Zinc

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and the metal exchange based in London have all been accused of manipulating the zinc prices over the last 4 years. The prices for zinc have increased as much for aluminum in recent years and not declined. The argument here has been that they held the metal prices up, opposite of the […]

German Municipalities In Crisis

I have warned that about 50% of the German municipalities are on the verge of bankruptcy. The pensions have been unfunded and are absorbing everything. As we saw in Detroit with more than 50% of current revenue going to pensions, taxes either rise, the borrow more, or they are out of business. We are in […]

Why Will the Downturn 2015.75-2020.03 be Far Worse Than Before?

With each downturn in the Economic Confidence Model in this 51.6 year long-wave, the decline gets worse and the volatility rises. This is part of the process building until we reach the cataclysmic turned at the end 2032. The polls in Austria are very interesting for this has been a nation that historically represents the […]

European Civil Unrest on the Rise – Rome & Paris this Weekend

Putin just has to sit back and watch for with two months before the European elections, the season for protests has begun. Literally, tens of thousands in Paris and Rome have taken to the streets demonstrating against the austerity policies of their governments that line their pockets and the bankers. Masked demonstrators fought before the Ministry of Economic Affairs […]

Russia Demands Ukraine Surrender by Dawn in Crimea

Russia is characterizing this event using the bullshit people have posted claiming this was a CIA plot and says anyone who is seeking to defend Ukraine is a threat to the civilian population calling them “ultra-nationalists”. They have delivered an ultimatum that they surrender by dawn in Crimea or Russia will attack. This many people is […]

Russian Warships head for Ukraine & 150,000 Troops sent to the Border

  Russian warships have now appeared on the coast of Ukraine and Putin has sent 150,000 troops for exercises at the border of Ukraine. The conflict between the USA and Russia is as always – one of distrust. Between the American people and the Russian people there is no real conflict. The issue is always […]

Electronic Money – Coming Everywhere Sooner than you Think

When Larry Summers said interest rates should be negative, he was flying a balloon to see how it was taken. Negative interest rates are coming. When the economy turns down after 2015.75, they cannot lower rates that are already too low, so in their mind, they have to go negative. You will be taxed effectively […]