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First Corporate Bankruptcy in China & How the Central Bank is Addressing the Problem

The the first debt bankruptcy of a major corporation in China has now taken place here on schedule in 2018. This first bankruptcy of a major corporation was due to over-indebtedness which occurred in the current year. The South China Morning Post reported that coal company Wintime Energy has been forced to cease operations after failing […]

The Violence in Northern Ireland is Not Finished

Reuters is reporting that Northern Ireland was hit by a new wave of street violence overnight on the eve of annual parades. This is demonstrating that there remains underlying tensions between pro-British Protestants and Irish nationalist Catholics in the British occupied region. Vehicles were set on fire, petrol bombs were thrown, and roads were closed off […]

Did Tariffs Cause Great Depression?

The causes of the Great Depression have been debated for decades. The problem with all of the analysis is this same attempt to reduce the cause to a single event. In school, we read the Great Crash by Galbraith. He was a socialist so he blamed the corporations and never bothered to ever even mention the […]

Trump Revolution Hits Mexico – Is This Becoming Trump v Soros?

Some people think that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who is leading the polls in Mexico, is their answer to Trump. This is once again the constant trend of trying to blame Trump for everything. In 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power and Mao Zedong rose in China. At the same time, we saw Franklin Roosevelt take office after […]

How & Why Ice Ages Are Created

The weather is still unusually cold in the north. In Newfoundland, they woke up to a foot of snow.  In Iceland, they just had the coldest day in 100 years. It has long been understood that to create an Ice Age, the artic actually should be ice-free. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the […]

Yes even Sports Comply with Cycles

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have a friend in the management of the NFL. I sent him your piece on the decline of their industry and how the protests were really turning people off. Well, they have now banned protests during the game. They revised their policy mandating that players and team personnel present on the […]

Jesse Livermore – Greatest Trader of All Time?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: Thanks for your soon reply. I ask you: 1. Why do you consider Jesse Livermore the greatest investor of all time?. 2. Which are the main reasons?. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Sincerely, JEMV ANSWER: Jesse Livermore (1877 – November 28, 1940), was a famed American […]

WEC Singapore June 2018

Unfortunately, the WEC in Singapore was tight on space. We stated at the beginning of this year that we would be reducing the seating for these events because they have been getting too big. I like the interaction with the people so more intimate is better. Seating was limited to 150 maximum in Singapore because […]

British Earthquakes

QUESTION: I am just curious. Do you have any data on earthquakes in Britain? I was in Winchester in January 2015 when we had a small earthquake. The size was not the issue, but the fact that it was an unusual location, not previously known for earthquakes. Can your computer forecast such events? ANSWER: Without […]

Is the Vertical Market Over or Just Beginning?

QUESTION: Thanks for the update. So it looks like the Vertical Market in the Dow will extend into the end of this cycle 2032 as you warned it could do. Correct? EK ANSWER: It appears to be shaping up that way. The consolidation has been shallow and nothing to get excited about. If the January […]