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Trump v California – the Sanctuary State

The battle over illegal aliens in the United States will really make your head spin. In 2017, California passed a “sanctuary state” law that limits cooperation between local authorities and federal immigration officials. Trump has stated that it remains an option for his administration to dump undocumented immigrants in “sanctuary cities,” namely send them all to […]

Trump’s Agenda is Officially Dead

  We should not expect Trump to get any of his agenda items through Congress. Trump’s promises to replace the Affordable Care Act, invest in infrastructure, and cut middle class taxes have been essentially shelved. The Democrats refuse to cooperate on anything in hopes of using that against him in 2020. What this really means illustrates […]

Please Send this PDF to Congress, Senate & Trump to Save a Life

It is time that We the People demand reform in the Judicial System. Enough is enough. Former US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning has been thrown into Solitary Confinement to break her no different than any third world country would do to torture a person. Just because judges claim to have this self-anointed power, does not […]

Trump – Israel – Putin – Middle East

The interesting aspect of our war models has been that this cycle turned up in 2014 and we really do not reach the point of a major peak before 2022/2023. Back in 2015, we published a segment on the rising tensions that would emerge in the Middle East – the War Cycle. We warned about the […]

Julian II – The Trump of Rome?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to have studied history more than any professor I ever met. So I am directing this question to you. Did Rome have their Trump who tried to drain the swamp? Or was everyone just immersed in the swamp? LR ANSWER: History repeats because human nature never changes no matter how […]

The Sex Trade & Trump’s Wall

The recent incident involving Patriots owner Robert Kraft’s solicitation charges only reveals the strange opposition to Trump’s wall by the Democrats. Kraft was charged with soliciting prostitution in a massage parlor in Florida from young girls brought across the Mexican border and Asia for the sex trade. The Associated Press reported that about 200 arrests warrants were issued in […]

Cohen & His Allegations Against Trump

While historically there have been three major events that altered political history, everyone on the left are cheering Cohen for what they hope will be the fourth. The first was the Supreme Court decision in the “Dred Scott v. Sandford” case which led to the founding of the Republican Party, and ultimately to the American […]

Will Trump Lose in 2020? But to Who?

  There is a very interesting aspect of our model which will begin to come into play in 2020. The cycle is changing here in 2019 and we are entering a period of a new political trend into 2023. This not such a great thing for either party. What is clearly taking place is that […]

Will Trump be Defeated by Schultz in 2020? The World Economic Conference May 3-4, 2019 in Rome

Rome - May 3-4, 2019 (Materials Available for Purchase; Video Now Available)
Orlando - October 25-26, 2019 (TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE)

Trump & Reopening Government for 3 Weeks

It is interesting to watch how the press spins the fact that Trump has agreed to fund the government for three weeks. Our computer strangely was picking the week of February 11th the first week of January. I was wondering what possible event will surface for that target. Now we have it. How does the […]