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Coming ECM Book & 64 Year Gold Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I´m writing to you from Santiago of Chile, to congratulate you for your amazing research, about the Economic Confidence Model and to ask you: 1. What is the correct model to predict the uptrends and downtrends of the Spot Gold Index?. 2.- What are the main differences between the E.C.M. […]

Defeating the Business Cycle – A Goal for Thousands of Years

Marxism in trying to defeat the Business Cycle is by no means something new. Sparta in Ancient Greece also sought to create a flat business cycle with a commune type state atmosphere. Gaius Gracchus (154–121 BC) introduced his Grain Laws to “sell a fixed monthly ration of grain at a low and unvarying price to any […]

Everything is a Cycle

COMMENT: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I’m a mechanical engineer and Trader by profession who grew up in Germany. About three years ago I stumbled across your story and since then I read every article from your website. Thank you very much for your continuous work to open the eyes of people! As I grow older (40 now) […]

As the War Cycle Turns Up – Middle East Is Going Nuts

The truth about what is going on in the Middle East is hard to figure out. Nobody really knows. The so called rebels in Syria may be conducting suicide missions using chemical weapons on themselves to get the West to invade Syria. It did work in Iraq and we seem to be following the same […]

France & the 224 Year Cycle

QUESTION: The French Revolution began in 1789. Add on your 224 year Political Cycle and you get 2013. However you don’t appear to highlight this Major Timing Event for this year. Is the above Political Cycle invalid for France? ANSWER: No. It is on target as well. You see Hollonde getting desperate and the whole cycle turns up […]

224 Cycle of Political Change

The year 2013 is a highly important turning point for the future of the United States. The exposure of the NSA spying on everyone thanks to Edward Snowden has revealed that the United States is no different from some of the most notorious governments in history. The entire debt ceiling crisis has also led to […]

Public v Private – Cycle Inversion & the Dollar

QUESTION: Martin, Contrary to the sensationalism of this article, does the inversion basically just mean that gold is going down and the U.S. Dollar is going up? ANSWER: When gold is money, it obviously declines during a boom purchasing less as stocks and real estate rise. When the business cycle turns down, then WHATEVER is money […]

The Business Cycle

Defining the Business Cycle By Martin Armstrong There are those that adamantly deny the existence of a Business Cycle for one simple reason; if a regular Business Cycle exists, then man and his government, driven by special interests, are incapable of manipulating its outcome. The entire foundation of Marxism was the recognition of the Business […]

Mining Profits off by 49% – How to Create the Next Cycle

Part of the reason when commodities must fall is largely due to the fact that a 13 year rally inspired the expansion of production. We saw the same thing develop into 1980 and the collapse thereafter shut down new mines. As prices fall, profits decline forcing the closure of marginal operations that became possible only […]

Understanding Cycles – the Two Extremes – Why We must Crash & Burn

Understanding that everything in nature moves in a cyclical manner is vital to comprehending the world around us. This is how energy moves. The waves in the ocean give the impression the water is moving when in fact if you throw a bottle that floats into the water you will notice that the bottle rises […]