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What Completes a Phase Transition?

What completes a phase transition? Simple — capital inflow to the United States. For example, when oil was in the $10 range in 1998, we forecast that oil would rise to $100 by 2007.15. In court, the Department of Energy wanted us to develop a model, but Alan Cohen of Goldman Sachs blocked that project. […]

Syrians in Lebanon

The Syrian refugee crisis has been plaguing the global community for over a decade. While former Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the doors to refugees in Europe, other nations are still grappling with the social and economic implications. Lebanon is a country of 6 million, but hosts 780,000 Syrian migrants. As Lebanon is certainly not under […]

Free Vodka and Beer for the Homeless in San Francisco

California is a socialistic cesspool of failed policies that funnel money through inefficient charities. I recently reported that the state, which boasts the largest homeless population in the United States, failed an audit that found nine agencies misused $24 billion in government funds intended to combat homelessness. Now, new reports state that San Francisco alone […]

Ohio Prohibits Migrants from Voting

The federal government of the United States has been compromised. It is now up to the states to defend our right to free elections and implement laws to prohibit non-citizens from having any say in our elected leaders. Ohio  Secretary of State Frank LaRose has purged all non-citizens from voter rolls and is coming under […]

Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday – Jan 2020 Forecast Comes to Fruition

The Dow surpassed 40,000 during midday trading for the very first time this Thursday. In a January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg I explained that the Dow was heading up. The video was posted with the headline “DOW 40,000” and everyone dismissed my forecast as if it were my own personal opinion. […]

Powell Pessimistic After Q1

Powell reiterated this week that he does not see any short-term need to lower interest rates. The Fed remains delicate in its speech to the public. They knew that inflation would continue rising due to various factors but had to say they were awaiting incoming data. The data is in for Q1 and nothing indicates […]

Over Half of New IRS Audits Targeted the Middle Class

Washington’s reckless spending comes with a cost to US taxpayers. While the fed may simply roll over their debt and issue new debt to pay off the old, the American public is on the hook for immediate liquidity every single year via taxation. The misconception that Biden would only target the wealthy needs to be […]

Why Does the Government Borrow Its Own Currency?

  The problem with people’s attitudes toward the national debt is that everyone has forgotten why we borrowed in the first place. The theory was that if you borrowed rather than printed money, you were NOT increasing the existing money supply, and therefore, in theory, it would not be inflationary.     However, the Democrats […]

Interview: You Need Two Years Worth of Food

Click here to watch my latest interview on USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: “Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing.  Spoiler alert:  It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank.  I asked Armstrong if the US government could default […]

Strategized Civil Unrest Staged Across the World

Protestors throughout the West are protesting on behalf of Palestine in a deliberate effort to destabilize national politics. Greta Thunberg, a girl with no knowledge of war or science, took part in a Swedish pro-Palestinian protest that attracted a group of up to 12,000. These events are clearly staged when they use a famous social […]