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US Embezzles an Additional $3 Billion to Ukraine

America has pledged to embezzle (donate) another $3 BILLION into Ukraine. The Associated Press claims that this money will be used for equipment and training Ukrainian troops. Additional NATO countries are also offering additional funds, such as Germany who pledged an additional $500 million to the proxy war. Yet, America is donating more money than […]

Greece’s Public Debt Reached 193% of GDP

Greece’s debt problem has been unrelenting. The European Union refuses to consolidate member state debt, and Greece’s money woes have only multiplied since joining the euro. The global economic downturn is hitting the Mediterranean nation hard. Inflation reached 11.6% in June, a rise from May’s reading of 10.5%. The Greek Statistical Service (ELSTAT) collected data […]

The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning?

QUESTION: Will you explain what Socrates foresees for after 2032 at this year’s WEC in November? I’m more concerned about my grandkids. A lot of people seem to be plagiarizing you these days. But all they have to offer is an opinion and we all have opinions. Socrates has been the only thing that has […]

The Untold War in Syria and Deserted Pipelines

We’ve heard of the refugees and people fleeing Syria for a better life, but the media rarely reports how dire the situation has become. Reuters recently reported that 1.5% of the Syrian population is DEAD due to the ongoing war. Estimates state that around 83 people (18 who are innocent children) die every day in […]

WHY Things Happen

QUESTION #1: Marty, do you think it was destiny that you were somehow intended to discover the hidden order behind the Business Cycle? HS QUESTION #2: Martin, I have a friend who has been working on getting Roe v. Wade overturned.  In a groups chat, my daughter mentioned to him how this was going to […]

UN Tries to Blame Food Crisis on Putin

Honestly, these lies and propaganda coming from the United States and Europe is just a slap in the face and it demonstrates that they look upon us as the BRAIN-DEAD Great Unwashed. Too stupid to understand even how to live without their orders. The Biden Administration and the EU are desperate to blame everything on […]

Update: Three New Summer Webinars – Tickets Available!

We are pleased to announce that we have scheduled new upcoming webinars: Understanding the ECM with Erwin Pletsch Q2 Monetary Crisis Cycle Webinar with Erwin Pletsch  Advanced Training Webinar with Erwin Pletsch – Q2 2022  For more information, please click on the title of the webinar above that interests you. We look forward to welcoming […]

Gold – Dollar – Inflation

The American view during the 70s was more concerned about gold rather than the value of the dollar against world currencies. Most Americans never traveled to Europe so their impression of currencies was the Canadian dollar which was about par with the dollar that Americans would encounter when visiting Niagra Falls. I remember as a […]

Is America Committing the Sin of Athens?

  This is the growing view of the United States thanks to the Neocons who are always scheming and want nothing but endless wars because they cannot sleep at night without hating someone as an enemy. Robert McNamara (1916 – 2009) who was a Neocon, at least repented for how he was wrong and let […]

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive WWIII?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You mention that cryptocurrency has been orchestrated to get people accustomed to cryptocurrencies for the end goal of the Great Reset – all digital currency so they can tax, absolutely every transaction. All popular blockchains are transparent and provide no privacy but there are some blockchains that do provide privacy and are […]