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Private Blog Update for Gold

Gold Bugs Always Mislead the People

COMMENT: Marty, the gold bugs are at it again desperately trying to say you are wrong as always and just misrepresent whatever they can. They acknowledge you called for new highs in the Dow, but claim even that was not until 2013 when I read about your forecast back in 2011 in Barrons. They seem […]

Stock Market Crash & Gold Rally?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So many people keep calling for a stock market crash. At the same time, it has hung on to the 18000 level in the Dow for dear life. Do you see such a devastating crash as even possible? PJ ANSWER: No possible way. Retail participation is at near record lows. It has […]

Private Blog Update for Gold

Gold Update for the Close of October

Hillary’s Speech at Goldman Sachs Praised Her as “courageous” for Defending Them

Hillary Clinton has refused to release her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts for which she earned millions of dollars giving paid speeches. Besides the $945,744.00 Goldman donated to the Clinton Foundation (making sure it was under $1 million), they also paid Hillary $675,000 for just speaking at Goldman Sachs, which was clearly a pay-off for there is […]

Gold Private Blog 10/6/2016

Gold Private Blog Update

Gold the Meltdown – Private Blog

Gold the Meltdown – Private Blog

Gold to be or Not to Be

QUESTION: Marty; I won a bet against a goldbug. He bet gold would soar and the dollar would crash October 1st because of the SDR and said you would be exposed as a fraud. I won the $100 bet. I tried to bet an ounce of gold, but he would do that. I too studied […]

Gold – Dollar – Bonds

QUESTION: Hi, I have two questions: a) do you believe US dollar has been kept artificially lower than it should be (or at least in long range trading range) by at least two central banks lately? if so how long you think it would last, years? b) you remind many times gold does not yield so […]


QUESTION: Good day Marty, first and foremost, thank for what you do on a daily basis for us sheeple. Your prolific writing is amazing to me. There are many pundits out there making correlations between the British exit, gold and a trump victory. Namely that the British exit has shown some real gains since it […]