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Hypocrite Biden & Abuse of Power

The Supreme Court made it very clear that the President has no such power to bypass Congress using executive orders of this nature to mandate vaccines for all companies with 100 employees or more. The immediate solution is to simply transfer all employees to sub-corporations and/or make them independent contractors. Worse still, the reasoning of […]

Civil Unrest in Europe Rising

  This is Bern, Switzerland. Those in power are clearly using COVID to facilitate their financial crisis, which is right on target for 2022. Even in Italy, they are now turning against their own unions, for they have simply been bought and no longer defend worker’s rights. The demonstrations in Italy are escalating, and this […]

COVID: Govt Admits it will be a New World Order!

  Here we have government officials using the words that are immediately called a conspiracy theory. In Australia, their health Minister Kerry Chant admits that they may be introducing contact tracing. That means they will be tracking everyone and where we go for what she admits will be the “new world order.” I am sure […]

Is Australia’s Health Minister Dr. Chant being Bribed or just Stupid?

The Australian health chief Dr. Kerry Chant seems to have forgotten everything about medicine and really should be investigated but with a corrupt government, nobody investigates themselves. Chant is telling Australians they will have to wear masks forever and has now even said that Australians will never be allowed to return to normal because they […]

Democrats Violating Everyone’s Privacy

  The Democrats want the banks to turn over ALL information on everyone to the IRS. You no longer need to have an audit. They are simply adopting the idea of guilty until proven innocent when it comes to money they want to get their hands on. This is stage one, and as they move […]

Gold Clarification

Let me explain something. What I have pointed out about gold is that it DOES NOT rally merely because of inflation or the rise in debt. It will rally when we are looking at the collapse in confidence. The central banks have no desire to raise for their own budget will blow apart. The Fed […]

Trudeau was Afraid to Get off the Bus

We are winning. The elections in September around the world are going to be critical. It would be so fantastic if Canadians stopped voting for these small parties and ban together to overthrow Trudeau once and for all. Overthrowing these politicians who have lined their pockets against the people and the future of their own […]

Two Generations Agreeing in Song

Here we have the opposite generations of artists singing songs about the same problem. I think this is fantastic for what you are listening to is showing that the Resistance is rising. I think we are all tired of the COVID nonsense. Debating if it will kill people in 2 to 3 years or it […]

The Failure of Gold in the Midst of Chaos

QUESTION: I have listened to the goldbugs for years. But it seems as though they always say the same thing that the dollar will crash because of debt, the stock market will crash and the only thing to survive is gold. But this advice has missed everything for years. I was told to listen to […]

The FBI were in the Capital Riot & Probably Led The People In

  USA Today swears this is fake news. They claim this is not the same guy. But USA Today is part of the Fake News Organization against the people. So who do we believe?     This does not support the lies of an armed insurrection being pushed by the Democrats and the Deep State […]