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The Health Monopoly

Bill Gates will emerge as the richest man in human history, for he has succeeded in creating a health monopoly. The royalties from the never-ending vaccines will propel him to more wealth than Bezos, Musk, Buffett, and the top 10 COMBINED. He then puts his wealth in a foundation that will be exempt from the […]

The Collapse of the USA & the Rule of Law?

When we looked at our model combining the presidency, House, and the Senate, we came up with a Panic Cycle in 2021 and 2023. The Democrats better wake up because this foreign agenda has usurped their party, and Biden is clueless as to what is even taking place. The vaccines do not save lives, for […]

Civil Unrest in Europe Rising

  This is Bern, Switzerland. Those in power are clearly using COVID to facilitate their financial crisis, which is right on target for 2022. Even in Italy, they are now turning against their own unions, for they have simply been bought and no longer defend worker’s rights. The demonstrations in Italy are escalating, and this […]

COVID: Govt Admits it will be a New World Order!

  Here we have government officials using the words that are immediately called a conspiracy theory. In Australia, their health Minister Kerry Chant admits that they may be introducing contact tracing. That means they will be tracking everyone and where we go for what she admits will be the “new world order.” I am sure […]

BigTech – Replacing Banks

QUESTION: Can you explain how using Jack Dorsey’s financial tools are another way Americans are surrendering their freedoms. Although the transaction fees are a fraction of banks and the time duration are almost instant. Thanks – although after years or writing into your block/contact I’ve yet to have a reply N ANSWER: Back in 2020, […]

The Berlin Wall v the COVID Walls

  We are approaching the 50 year anniversary of the TUNNEL to Freedom which was dug by West Berliners to reach the East to rescue families from the horror of Marxism. Today, once again, we have governments restricting travel by claiming it is due to COVID. To protect the people, they must strip their freedom […]

Spain Revealing the Totalitarian Future for All

Spain is just putting it all out there. There is new legislation that effectively allows the total end of democracy and All freedom in Spain and this is just the beginning. Any person of legal age will be obliged to carry out the “personal benefits” required by the government, following the guidelines of the National […]

Mysterious Force of Synchronization

There is an enigmatic power which is the true Mysterious Force of Synchronization which exists in everything within the universe from electronics,  biology, all the way to planetary movement. This mysterious force is known to engineers and even the military. In 1831, there was a rather interesting collapse of the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, […]

Market Talk – March 31, 2021

ASIA: The United States strongly condemns moves by China to further reduce political participation and representation in Hong Kong and is deeply concerned by a second delay in the territory’s Legislative Council elections, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday. The measures are part of Beijing’s efforts to consolidate its increasingly authoritarian grip on Hong […]

The Markets in Light of the Chaos

  When we look around the world the final say in every election is always the vote of capital – which is international rather than confined to local politics. Biden has already shut down the pipeline from Alberta which will only be symbolic for whatever substitute will mere be brought in by ship and pumped […]