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Why Do Democrats Create More Laws That Harm Society?

Shakespeare’s famous line was: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” To put that in its proper context, only the king had an attorney, so they were prosecutors. When we look at the real difference between Republicans and Democrats who enter politics, it becomes an indictment against the legal profession. Lawyers are […]

Fertilizer Bans Lead to Food Scarcity

Canada’s Trudeau is proposing to reduce fertilizer with the globalist goal of achieving zero emissions by 2030. Every indicator says that food scarcity is on the rise, and yet politicians are continually making it harder to farm. Trudeau’s plan entails a 30% reduction in fertilizer and is a direct threat to the food supply. Fertilizer […]

Capital Controls in Europe Have Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Marty, I was trying to wire money from my bank account in Italy to the one in the UK, just to realise that I can no longer transfer more than 6,000EUR per month. The Soviet EUSSR is in full capital controls mode. I am missing the beauty of Italy every day, but I […]

The Power of Siberia

Sanctions strengthened Putin and caused “unfriendly nations” to form a closer alliance against the West. As the West suffers from an energy crisis with no solution in sight, Russia is benefitting from this in more ways than one. You may have heard of the China–Russia East-Route Natural Gas pipeline or the Yakutia–Khabarovsk–Vladivostok pipeline. Construction was […]

EU Energy Panic Cycle to Begin

On August 1, the European Commission will begin to reduce its demand for gas with no alternative in place. Unsurprisingly, our computer states that a Panic Cycle will begin in August or September and go into Q1 of 2023. Europe must reduce its gas consumption by 15% (45 billion cubic meters). In comparison, Russia delivered […]

Germany to Bail Out Uniper

Germany and Finnish parent company Fortum signed a $15.24 billion deal to save energy company Uniper. In return, Germany will take a 30% stake in the company. Uniper reported only receiving a fraction on contracted gas from Russia’s Gazprom since mid-June, and it seems shipments may continue to slow or cease entirely. Uniper has been […]

Pushing the Envelope for Civil Unrest

QUESTION: Marty, It appears the January 6th committee has prevented Stephen K. Bannon from showing his evidence and the right to defend himself including his protection of the executive privilege from the President. It is suggested he will be found guilty as soon as today and his case then rests on the slim ‘chance’ of […]

To Increase Text Size: Cntrl +

We have had a few dedicated readers ask about increasing the font size on the blog. Solution: click Ctrl + simultaneously to increase the text size if reading from a computer. The text will magnify each time you click those buttons together. Ctrl – will allow you to zoom out, and Ctrl 0 will bring […]

After-Birth Abortion – Really?

The woman army medic who seems to be fighting for the Constitution clearly has no idea what the Constitution is all about. Here rant which gathered 30,000 likes said: “I just extended my contract to continue serving this country a week ago. How am I supposed to swear to support and defend the Constitution and […]

The West’s Refusal to Seek World Peace

  The press has done nothing but put forward present propaganda and they are driving the world into the arms of death. Once upon a time, the world leaders gathered together for a conference in Munich to discuss WORLD PEACE and SECURITY. Today, they seem to conspire on how to bring the world into the […]